How To Combine Work With Motherhood

How to combine work with motherhood

If you have reached this post it is because you feel identified with the title and you want to know if it is possible to combine work with motherhood without sacrificing any of the two most important roles in your life, that of a professional woman and that of a mother. that we can and deserve to have it all and, yes we can achieve professional success and enjoy the honeys of motherhood without regret, guilt or sacrifice.

However, you must bear in mind the following: it does not matter the quantity, but the quality of the time you dedicate, especially to the family. Demonstrations of love for your child will always be a priority.

The organization is also another key to keeping at bay the stress caused by the over-demand of tasks and the need to complete them fully. Keep stress at bay so it doesn’t play tricks on you and affect you emotionally or physically.

Being a professional and a mother at the same time for many people is considered a mistake, a mistake. In many cultures, women are viewed solely on the basis of their involvement in the home, forcing them to set aside a fruitful career.

However, they are the conquests of humanity. Women have fought to fill their rightful places for justice in universities, businesses, governments and the home. Therefore, in addition to everything, you have to be great tightrope walkers to keep up with what you have achieved.


How to combine work with motherhood

Differentiated routines

Keep a clear schedule between office and home tasks. Do not bring work home, unless it is strictly necessary. The weekends disconnect from the office and dedicate them to your children and partner. It is about keeping everything in its correct place so that later crises derived from not knowing how to set healthy limits are not generated.

Evaluate the suitability of the job

Now you are a mother, a job that demands 100% of you and that does not have a vacation. It is also a period that you will want to live to the fullest without missing the defining moments in your child’s life such as: the first day of school, sports games, children’s parties, etc.

We recommend that you evaluate if it is worthwhile to distribute yourself between being a mother and a traditional job or if you should launch yourself to try entrepreneurship or piecework (freelance). Take stock of financial income and work rewards or perks and if the result turns out to be in the red or you are not convinced, it may be time to move to another place of greater independence or spend time alone with housework for the moment.

Get organized

Keep an agenda where you can distribute your tasks, organize your professional and family commitments: meetings at school, visits to the doctor, etc. Also try to plan family vacations ahead of time and maintain order around the house that makes things easier for you. If you need help, hire someone to babysit while you are away.


Prevent motherhood from overlapping your aspirations

In Japan, according to a study, 60% of women leave their professional career after becoming mothers. This is due to the Japanese culture of excellence and high competitiveness. Women must in turn abandon their careers as they face problems such as not finding a daycare center where they can take care of their children while they work.

Therefore, we urge you to start your search for a nursery in advance and to plan so that your professional aspirations are not overlapped by the arrival of the baby. A happy and fulfilled woman will be by far a better mother to a frustrated woman, forced to choose between her career and motherhood.

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