Rebellious Attitude, How To Act?

Rebellious attitude, how to act?

The rebellious attitude arises when children begin to show their individual opinion and perception; We speak of rebellion because we want the children to follow the suggestions we make to them, but they express themselves against it, which is natural. Not knowing how to act before the attitude of a rebellious child is a cause for concern and even fear.

That our children are rebellious from a very young age forces us to ask ourselves many questions: At what age are they going to pass? I am doing something wrong? Have a major problem? However, the idea that this will be with us for a long time is one of the main concerns.

It is normal for adolescent-age children to be rebellious, although not all are rebellious. But it is conflictive when they show their rebellious attitude from the early years, because at an early age is when they should be more docile and obedient.

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Another reason for concern is the recurrence of the attitude, for example that the child reacts in the same way to any authority, that he is not collaborative, that he argues frequently and that he manifests a notable aggressiveness.
This is alarming because their independence leads them to become uncomfortable in the presence of adults because this prevents them from doing their will, which can be harmful. But it is possible to redirect this behavior, for this it is necessary to attend to the recommendations of the experts.

How to act before the rebellious attitude of a son?

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It is always important to be open to the child’s personality and individualities, but in certain cases intervention is necessary to control negative attitudes. In the case of rebellion, we find that it can be harmful to the child’s social relationship and also to family life.

To act efficiently in the face of the actions of a rebellious child, we suggest following these tips:

  • To direct the behavior of children, there is usually an authority in the family that is firm and constant; this person, who is usually the father, must modify his way of giving orders. It is possible that the child is speaking out against the way authority is expressed.
  • It is necessary to reflect on the circumstances in which the previous conflicts have been resolved. Perhaps the child has emerged triumphant in the arguments and has gone through punishments without consequences, this has probably given more strength to his attitude.
  • Having neglected the attention to the child is a reason for him to begin to lose respect for his parents, so perhaps he reacts indifferently to the guidance that we try to give him.
  • It is not advisable that we openly show that we have lost control, because when we reveal some weak points they can take advantage of it. It is appropriate to make you realize for yourself that the cause of your discomfort is your responsibility.
  • It is convenient not to force him to do things, but to guide him so that he realizes that his behavior is wrong. Rebellious children react sharply when things are ordered the wrong way, leading them down the path of reflection and always reasoning about conditions.
  • Although it is not our style, we should consider negotiating the orders we give to children ; To do so, we can propose at least two options and let them decide which one to choose. However, it is obvious that both options must favor the request that we are making.
  • Setting an example and being consistent with what is agreed is a guarantee to negotiate as well. Children are always on the lookout if all family members comply with the agreements, because a blunder in others is used by them to do what they want.
  • Patience and good communication never hurts in these cases. Listening to him carefully allows us to know his intentions and feelings; it is also important to make sure that the child understands the suggestions and the rules.

    The last recommendation, but not the least, is the display of affection; talking with affection and showing him tokens of our love is also valuable when we want him to pay us his attention. However, you must try to be timely in these gestures, so that he can discern when it is a reward for his good behavior.

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