How To Help Our Children Learn To Write

To help your children learn to write, you can choose various techniques. Discover them below.
How to help our children learn to write

Today we can take advantage of technology and different devices so that our children have greater ease when learning to write. Yes, you can use your mobile, tablet or computer. And not just for downloading educational games and apps, there are other techniques as well.

Remember that learning to write is a basic process that provides life skills.  Reason why children must acquire this skill correctly so that they do not have problems tomorrow, neither in the academic environment nor in any other.

Parents are a role model, teachers and guides of the different processes and therefore, we must try to be creative and astute. Not only to achieve success in teaching but to make the work easier for ourselves so that we can enjoy it to the fullest.

Aspects to consider

When the time comes for our children to learn to write, we must provide them with a conducive environment. With as few distractions as possible.

After all, young children have not yet fully learned to focus their attention on a single issue for a long time.

It is essential that we teach them to maintain good posture, to properly hold the pencil, crayon, or pen and guide their hand movements so that they discover what they can do through them on paper.

The time invested in the process of learning to write is priceless. And it is that, without realizing it, we offer them:

  • A tool to develop and enhance your cognitive abilities.
  • A means of creative expression.
  • A communication media.
  • Entertainment.
    The process of learning to write can be fun.

    Why is it important for the child to learn to write?

    Because in this way the child can develop skills such as: attention, concentration and memory. Information and knowledge are accessed through writing, thereby enhancing intellectual abilities.

    It should be noted that we should not delegate teaching to the nursery nurse or the school teacher. As parents, we must be participants in the process involved in learning to write. Also, if they are taught the rudiments at home, they can do better in school.

    From 3 years of age the child is already capable of making strokes with pencils and colors. In this way he acquires dexterity with his hands and develops fine motor skills.

    How to help our children learn to write?

    1. A quiet and comfortable environment

    For the child to learn to write it is essential that the parent provide a calm environment that invites concentration. A good idea is to play soft music at a low volume to relax you and encourage you to make short and long strokes.

    2. Provide the appropriate tools

    The parent should give him pencils and a paper or notebook, and teach him to hold the tool between his fingers correctly. You can then guide it to start making horizontal, vertical, or circular strokes. For this, you could draw small dots in the notebook for the child to follow that line.

    3. Help him with other activities

    You can also support him in other activities, such as drawing, cutting out, pasting, coloring or connecting the dots. Try using letter games and puzzles, as these help develop motor skills.

    4. Avoid pressing it

    If you notice that the child is not learning to write quickly as you expected, you should not pressure or discipline him. Each child learns at a different speed or pace. Rather, the idea is to encourage the habit of writing and compliment your effort so that you don’t get discouraged.

    5. Design an alphabet

    For the child to learn to become familiar with the letters, make an alphabet and place it in a visible place. He repeats the sounds of each letter, until he remembers them without help.

    The adventure of learning to write.

    6. Get used to reading to your child

    A children’s storybook or magazine that appeals to your child can help. Show him the letters and encourage him to write them himself on a sheet of paper. In this way, the child will learn to see how written language works.

    7. Encourage writing

    One of the things kids love is seeing their name on it. You can use this to encourage him and little by little write the name of mom and dad, his siblings or the pet. Vowel and number games are also a good way to start writing.

    The benefits of learning to write at an early age

    • Nurture your self-esteem.
    • Encourage your creativity.
    • Learn to communicate more clearly.
    • Stimulates your memory and concentration skills.
    • He assimilates knowledge, which he would otherwise forget in no time.
    • It contributes to the coordination of muscle movements and will promote your dexterity.
    • It activates neurons in the brain and allows the creation of neural connections.
    • Proper writing allows you to clarify your decision-making thoughts as you grow older.

      The process of learning to write requires not only spelling rules, but also a constant and sustained effort on the part of parents.

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