A Baby Is Like The Beginning Of All Things: Admiration, Hope, Illusion

A baby is like the beginning of all things: admiration, hope, illusion

The arrival of a baby is like allowing life to restart again: new hopes arise, a deep and eternal admiration is born. The heart is filled with illusions and our soul is dressed in colors … Few things are as intense at all levels as that welcome to our son.

Sophocles said that children give us anchors to cling more strongly to life. Now, despite the fact that before his arrival, we were already happy adults, sure of ourselves and courageous people, that baby has now put on a new dress, a stronger armor and has endowed our hearts with more spaces and nooks and crannies. spacious rooms where you can dance with fascinating emotions.

A baby is a beginning, there is no doubt, but in turn, we must also see it as a continuation of ourselves. We will continue to preserve our essences, our values ​​and our principles, but now, we will find the meaning of all these dimensions because we are going to transmit them, we are going to set an example with them and offer the world an extraordinary person …

I restart leaving my wounds behind because I have healed as a person …

Something that should always be clear is that a child is no salvation for a marriage or a couple in crisis. A child does not come to fill our voids or to resolve our sadness, those that we have been dragging for a long time.

The arrival of a child must respond exclusively to a genuine desire to be parents. Because a baby will not by itself make the “flame” light up again in the womb of a couple where lack of love, distance and coldness are already advancing. A creature is not a patch, it is not a medicine to solve our depressions, fears or anguish. A child deserves strong fathers, brave mothers, families that love each other and that thanks to their firm and sure love can give the best of themselves to that new life.

A baby reinitiates us because it manages to bring out the best in ourselves, because it links us more strongly to life and makes the joys more intense, empowering us as human beings. But let us always remember that a key need that every child deserves is that their parents have been healed as persons. If not, this restart will carry with it past grudges and fears that we can transmit to our children.

Love yourself therefore as a person, to be able to give the best of you to your children.

I reboot for my baby to show her that I’m her home

You restart to strengthen your virtues as a woman more strongly, to show the world, Dad, that you are also sensitive, close, to show that you will know how to intuit and attend to the emotional needs of your baby. You are both born with that baby to form a new home, a healthy, magical environment with multiple sensations where to nest, where to start parenting, where to love each other in wisdom and respect.

We restart to grow, to survive better, to be happy

  • Life is not a straight line. If it were, people would not learn from our failures or our successes, we would not understand that sometimes, it is better to put certain things aside, take new paths, take a step back to gain momentum, avoid stones in the way, fall and get up again.
  • Life is cycles and in each cycle it is mandatory to restart. In that reboot, one adds everything learned, everything positive, all inner strengths and treasures. To these dimensions are added the new winds that arrive on the horizon, like that baby, like that new life that like a magical awakening pushes us to continue being the same, but different at the same time …

At the same time, we cannot forget that resetting ourselves also helps us to survive and be happier. As we have pointed out before, being a parent means that we have been healed as a person. In turn, that baby will confer multiple learning on us, we will overcome new challenges, we will establish incredible vital knowledge with which to grow as human beings.

On that extraordinary journey you are not alone. Remember that raising a child is not always a matter of one, nor of two. Our parents also reboot: now they are going to be grandparents. Our brothers are also going to have to take on a new and fantastic role: they are going to be uncles. As you can see, in this growth process, we all come out winning.

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