Addiction To Video Games In Adolescents

Among the biggest problems teens can have is video game addiction during this stage of their life. The fact of spending many hours playing with your console or on the computer can have significant risks for your physical and mental health. What can parents do to prevent or treat this addiction?
Video game addiction in teens

One of the biggest problems facing today’s society is video game addiction in teenagers. The fact spend many hours a day in front of a video game console or computer can be more harmful than many people imagine.

To avoid this dependence, obviously negative for our children, it is important to recognize the symptoms of video game addiction and take the appropriate measures in this regard.

Technology and video game addiction in adolescents

New technologies have brought advantages in all areas of life, including entertainment. Video games are included in this, and can even be positive in various aspects of the child’s development. However,  when video games go from being a hobby to an addiction is when the problems begin.

It is necessary to identify the moment when the hobby becomes an addiction; that’s the key to being able to take action quickly. In this sense, it is recommended that parents limit and control the time their children spend in front of the video game console or computer.

Symptoms of video game addiction


Time is one of the biggest indicators that something is wrong with video games. Parents should pay special attention if the playing time increases little by little until they spend many hours a day in front of the console. The adolescent will present a behavior in which he will need to devote more time to video games every time.


Although this addiction can arise at any time from the beginning of the activity, it is also true that there is an age range in which the person is more likely to become addicted. In this sense, boys are most vulnerable between the ages of 12 and 20.

Several consequences emerge from video game addiction in adolescents.


Another of the most common addiction symptoms is the adolescent’s lack of socialization and isolation. In these cases, the person prefers to spend hours every day in front of the computer or game console before going out to do some outdoor activity, share with friends or simply do another type of activity.

Poor school performance

Poor school performance is one of the most frequent symptoms. When adolescents lose control, they begin to spend hours playing; even until the wee hours of the morning.

As a consequence of these schedules, they are sleepy during school hours, fall asleep, and do not fulfill their respective duties. Sleep disorders and changes in sleeping patterns are also symptoms of this problem.

Withdrawal symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms are also present when the adolescent cannot play for a certain period of time. The consequences can be: reluctance, sadness, aggressiveness, radical mood swings and a defensive attitude.

Loss of relationships

Adolescents with addiction problems also have difficulty maintaining stable friendships or personal relationships. The reasons for this are very simple: reluctance to share and socialize and drastic mood swings.

Treatment for video game addiction in adolescents

Limit hours of play

It is recommended that parents set limits and control their children’s play hours. In some cases, even the use of the consoles should be limited to one or two days each week. Timing is key to preventing children from becoming addicted; It can also be the basis to help them overcome this situation.

Psychological help

If parents consider that their child has an addiction problem, they should attend with their child a psychologist who will help and guide them to overcome this problem. In extreme cases, there are rehabilitation centers; however, only a percentage between 7% and 13% are those that present problems at such worrying levels.

Teen video game addiction can begin in childhood.

Stimulate other activities

Parents can stimulate and encourage their children to do other types of activities that are not related to technology. Enroll the young person in sports, painting or music are good options to help him get out of the social isolation in which he finds himself.

Teen video game addiction is a reality facing modern society. To avoid this situation, parents must take control in raising their children; clear limits must be set with regard to digital games.

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