Basic Nutrients To Have A Good Pregnancy

Do you know what are the basic nutrients to have a good pregnancy? Remember that the needs increase to facilitate the development of the baby.
Basic nutrients for a good pregnancy

Pregnancy is a stage that involves changes in the woman’s body, since it has to allow the development of the future baby. Therefore, it is necessary to consume some basic nutrients to have a good pregnancy.

In the first place, physiological and anatomical changes are responsible for increasing nutritional needs ; This does not mean that you have to eat twice as much, but it does mean to cover them. In this way, we will avoid fetal malformations, low birth weight and premature delivery.

Basic nutrients for a good pregnancy

One of the key aspects of having a good pregnancy is eating as healthy as possible. The main essential nutrients are iodine and folic acid. Therefore, it is recommended to take a supplement of 150 micrograms and 400 micrograms daily, respectively.


Not only is the supplement necessary, but also to cover it through food. It is found in fish, seaweed, iodized salt, and dairy. It is necessary to reduce the risk of mental retardation and growth of the child. In addition, it is part of the thyroid hormones, responsible for regulating metabolism.

Folic acid (vitamin B9) and folates

The requirements increase, since it intervenes in the growth of maternal tissue and prevents neural tube defects, reducing the risk of spina bifida and lack of brain development. It even makes it possible to synthesize new proteins, especially from hair and nails. It is found in green leafy vegetables like chard, celery, spinach, etc.

Woman cooking food with basic nutrients to have a good pregnancy.


Iron deficiency anemia is associated with premature delivery, low birth weight, and increased mortality. It is a mineral that is involved in the formation of the placenta and the baby, as well as in the transport of oxygen through the blood. It is usually found in meat, fish, and mollusks. It is also present in legumes, whole grains, such as rice and rolled oats, and nuts.

If you want to increase their absorption, consume them together with a source of vitamin C, such as citrus fruits and peppers. For legumes and oats, soak them for at least 24 hours before cooking. They can even germinate.

Also, try to separate the intake of tea, coffee or dairy from the main meals, since they hinder the absorption of iron.

Other basic nutrients for a good pregnancy

During pregnancy all kinds of digestive symptoms occur that are bothersome. Diet can help us control them, as you will see below.

Fiber, one of the basic nutrients for a good pregnancy without constipation

It helps reduce constipation that appears in the third trimester, in addition to increasing our degree of satiety. How can you consume it? Through fruits, vegetables and vegetables, as well as 100% whole grain rice, pasta and bread. Also consuming legumes at least 3 times a week and a handful of nuts or a tablespoon of seeds daily.

Pregnant woman in her kitchen making herself an infusion.


In turn, drink water and infusions, as they help eliminate toxins and facilitate digestive transit.

Virgin olive oil

Use oil to cook and dress dishes to facilitate bowel movements. The recommendation is to consume at least 2-3 tablespoons daily.

Nausea, vomiting, and reflux

It is about taking foods that are easily digestible and that do not stimulate the secretion of gastric juices too much. First of all, avoid foods that give off strong odors, spicy ones and reduce the intake of acidic foods, such as tomatoes and oranges. Even avoid chocolate, carbonated drinks, fried foods, and foods high in fat.

Likewise, it is also advisable to remain seated when you finish eating and eat the food little by little.

In summary, food during pregnancy plays an important role in the proper development of the future baby. For this reason, special attention must be paid to the intake of certain nutrients to reduce not only the typical symptoms of this stage, but also so that the baby is born healthy and without complications.

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