Benefits Of Playing A Musical Instrument

More concentration in daily activities, memory stimulation, development of fine motor skills and hearing. These advantages and many others are what your child can acquire if he plays a musical instrument.
Benefits of playing a musical instrument

The benefits of playing a musical instrument become visible from the first moment the child begins to practice. The love of discipline, the development of hearing, fine motor skills, concentration and the continuous learning of new information related to the arts and culture of the world make, every day, thousands of parents choose music as the ideal extracurricular activity .

The benefits of playing an instrument from a young age are so many that even the child may be beginning a professional career as an instrumentalist. In the future, this could lead him to travel the world and perform on the biggest stages.

Benefits of playing a musical instrument

Relationship of music with culture and education

Music is one of the artistic manifestations most loved by man. All human societies have created and reproduced sounds with instruments or with the human voice itself;  thus, they manifested thoughts, ideas and sensory stimuli.

Music is present every day in our homes, through any medium. For example, television, the internet, radio and even in many educational games for children, as it has been proven that it contributes to learning.

All children are naturally drawn to music and instruments. Not surprisingly, many children’s toys are minipianos, xylophones, or singing microphones. Hence, a large number of parents may notice that their children have a marked inclination for music.

Benefits of music as a psychological and social tool

Music has many psychological and social benefits. One of them is that it gives the child the ability to concentrate and meet his study and performance goals.

Generally, when a musical instrument is practiced, the child enters to rehearse in orchestras. This immediately allows you to socialize with other colleagues and learn about collaboration and teamwork.

The benefits of playing a musical instrument are very varied and positive for children.

Many parents believe that children can learn group work strategies to achieve a goal from sports alone; however, the precision needed to get a symphony to sound good and in tune requires hard collaboration and team rehearsal.

Children who are players of a musical instrument also activate sensitivity towards the arts and the importance of cultural value, professional development and proper integration into society.

Examples in various countries

Some institutions in Latin America and Europe have transferred to their countries the project developed in Venezuela from 1975 by José Antonio Abreu, called ‘System of National Children’s and Youth Orchestras’.

With this, the integration of low-income children who lived in neighborhoods or in poor areas was achieved , to artistic activities that kept them away from drugs and bad habits. This, in turn, allowed them to develop a professional career as classical musicians.

Another reference of this type of foundations that copy the model of this system is the Batuta Foundation, in Colombia. It integrated the teaching of string instruments, wind and music theory into primary and secondary education as compulsory subjects within the school curriculum in public and private schools and colleges.

Benefits of music as a psychological tool

When an individual plays a musical instrument, both brain hemispheres must be activated in order to correctly synchronize movements. This action leads to a better performance of the brain and with it, memory, concentration, the development of fine motor skills and even the IQ rise.

The benefits of playing a musical instrument enhance many qualities in children.

The piano is considered to be the instrument that allows creating more connections at the level of brain cells, due to the complexity required to use each of the fingers of the two hands on different keys. Also, this has to be done very precisely, which has to be almost exact.

As you can see, there are so many benefits of playing a musical instrument that we are sure that, after reading this article, you will go out to enroll your little one in the nearest music school.

Remember that the younger you start studying, the faster your abilities can absorb knowledge. Therefore, you will have a better chance of becoming the next Vladimir Horowitz, Andras Schiff, Ana Sophie Mutter or Yo-yo Ma.

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