Bland Diet For Pregnant Women

During pregnancy it is necessary to avoid coffee since caffeine can increase the risk of losing the baby.
Soft diet for pregnant women

Many women suffer from diarrhea during pregnancy. This is generally due to hormonal changes and a sensitivity to certain foods. Although the episodes are usually occasional and almost never end in a serious problem, it is necessary to take all precautions, such as the soft diet for pregnant women.

Some home care is usually sufficient. However, you have to be attentive to any warning sign and go to the doctor at the slightest doubt. Food plays a major role in recovery. Next, we will see some recommendations and ideas of soft diet for pregnant women.

What should a pregnant woman do if she has diarrhea?

When a pregnant woman has episodes of diarrhea, these are usually short and disappear spontaneously. Normally, they do not pose any health risk to the baby.

However, if the diarrhea lasts for more than three days, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Similarly, it is necessary to go to a health service immediately if the stools are bloody or if the woman has vomiting or fever.

As long as this problem exists, the pregnant woman must rest. It is also recommended that you do not make any significant effort and that you drink plenty of fluids such as water, herbal teas or juices to avoid dehydration.

In this situation, food is a critical part of recovery. In fact, it may be the main treatment for diarrhea; a soft diet for pregnant women should ensure the recovery of the future mother and the correct nutrition of the baby. Including probiotics in the diet can be an appropriate way to restore intestinal flora and reduce these types of problems, according to an article published in the “Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology”.

The soft diet for pregnant women is suitable in cases of digestive problems.

How to avoid diarrhea episodes?

Some episodes of diarrhea can be prevented by taking certain precautions. The pregnant woman must take this into account to avoid unnecessary worries and problems.

The most important thing is to maintain a balanced diet at all times. The diet during pregnancy must meet the nutritional requirements of the gestation period.  However, there are many women who, with the excuse of pregnancy, consume sweets in excess or very large meals.

Consuming too much fat or overdoing portion sizes can affect a pregnant woman’s digestive health. It is also important to be careful to always consume food that is fresh, in good condition and that complies with all hygiene standards.

What is the soft diet for pregnant women?

The soft diet is a diet that seeks the intake of foods that are light for the body and easy to digest. If a pregnant woman has digestive problems such as diarrhea, she should take care of herself; It is very important that you strictly respect this diet for a few days, until you are completely recovered.

In this sense, what can be eaten in a soft diet for pregnant women? One of the most important needs in this diet is to drink plenty of fluids; They can be non-citrus fruit juices, infusions and water. Carbonated drinks, milk or coffee should not be consumed. This last food is contraindicated in pregnant women due to its caffeine content, according to a study published in the “International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics”.

In general, the foods that make up a soft diet should be cooked, lightly seasoned, soft in texture and free of fat. Some of the most recommended foods are yogurt, peeled and cooked apples or pears, potatoes and rice.

You can also consume cooked oatmeal and soft meats such as chicken and turkey; fish are also allowed. Cooked or pureed vegetables, as well as vegetable creams — dairy-free — are ideal.

Among the foods that should be avoided at all costs are nuts, milk and chocolate. Nor should you consume red meat, fatty foods, spicy foods or foods that are rich in fiber.

The bland diet for pregnant women is largely based on vegetable soups and creams.

Soft diet menu for pregnant women

When you need to eat a bland diet , the pregnant woman can have yogurt and toast with turkey ham for breakfast ; you can also add an infusion. In the middle of the morning, you can have a serving of fruit, cereal, or some whole wheat bread with turkey ham.

For lunch, an ideal menu would be chicken or fish a la pancha accompanied by a boiled potato and carrot ; it can be finished with a mint infusion. In the afternoon, you can have another piece of fruit, a good juice or a fruit and vegetable smoothie.

Finally, for dinner, you can have a soup or cream of vegetables – cooked and blended – grilled chicken or beef. As with lunch, it is very positive to finish with a mint infusion.

Diarrhea and pregnancy

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