Complications Of A Pregnancy With Epilepsy

Complications of a pregnancy with epilepsy

Suffering from epilepsy and being pregnant can be a very complex scenario. A woman with this problem should plan her pregnancy well in advance, as treatment should not stop. According to specialists, the options are negative in most cases. It is difficult for the baby to be born without any consequences as a result of the mother’s illness.

Although epileptic seizures can be controlled, during pregnancy that is not the only drawback. The damage that can occur from an epilepsy attack is serious, but the control of these is also serious. As we know, drugs and pregnancy do not go well, so the complication is inescapable.

Not all people who have an epileptic seizure are epileptic, so no one is exempt. However, on this occasion, we will talk about the implications of this case in regular patients. That is, women who suffer from epilepsy and have decided or had to be mothers.

What if I have epilepsy and I am pregnant?

Planning a baby even when we suffer from this disease is not impossible. However, it is recommended to consult with the neurologist and gynecologist, who will work together from that moment on. Doctors usually prescribe folic acid at least three months before conception. So it is very important to avoid a surprise pregnancy.

Some studies indicate that most anticonvulsant treatments are low risk for the fetus. However, consultation with the aforementioned specialists is essential. Spina bifida malformations are believed to be the most common problems, hence the indication for folic acid.

On the other hand, it is possible that the dose of your treatment for epilepsy is increased, since it is very important to keep it under control. The greatest risks in these cases can occur when there is no treatment or it decreases. Due to the increase in blood flow, there will be more need to raise the medicine portion.

The worst consequences of epilepsy in pregnancy is that a seizure occurs. In this case, there is a risk of bleeding from the seizure. However, if the disease is kept under control during this stage, there are no major dangers in this regard.

For this reason, it is not an option to stop treatment, even if it represents its own risks. Before this situation, it is best to perform blood tests that indicate that the drug levels do not affect the baby. According to research, half of women with this condition do not have drastic changes.

What are the main risks of epilepsy and pregnancy?

As we have said previously, the main risk is seizure. This situation can lead to alterations in the baby’s skull, heart or mouth, which can be determined in the first 20 weeks.

The other risks are represented by the drug used to control seizures. In this case, doctors recommend only one drug, as long as it is not valproate. In this regard, it is considered that this drug is associated with the development of malformations in the fetus.

The main consequences of valproate use during pregnancy are cleft palate, spina bifida, cleft lip, and other neural tube defects. In addition to these, it has been known in recent studies that it can also cause problems in the child’s IQ level.

Experts from Emory University found that exposure of the fetus to valproate could develop cognitive problems. However, the risks of non-medication are greater. A woman with epilepsy can have a high-risk pregnancy. In this sense, it deserves a close relationship with specialists, in this case gynecologist and neurologist.

Experts explain that a woman with this condition must be in strict control from the moment she enters childbearing age. Despite the effects of the drug, the use of folic acid can improve the prognosis. In addition, reducing the amount of drugs can help reduce the possible consequences.

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