Cronobacter Infection In Infant Milk

Cronobacter infection in infant milk

Cronobacter infection is one of the most serious infections a baby can get, and it can be caused by poor bottle and nipple hygiene. Since it can be fatal, it is extremely important to sterilize the bottles regularly in the correct way.

It is a rare infection caused by the bacteria  Cronobacter sakazakii. It generally affects newborn babies, since they have the least defenses. This is because your immune system is still very immature.

Causes of cronobacter infection

Due to its ability to encapsulate the cells it generates, this bacterium is immune to antibiotics or antibodies, hence the seriousness of the matter when the infection is contracted.

Other characteristics that the cronobacter bacteria have that are worth noting are that they spread and reproduce very easily due to their composition.  All these components make it a very complex bacteria to treat.

Cronobacter infection in infant milk.

What symptoms can a cronobacter infection cause?


This bacterium is able to reach the lining that covers the brain and that serves as a barrier between it and the germs in the blood. This penetration can lead to meningitis, the symptoms of which are fever, headache, and stiff neck.

The sequelae that meningitis can generate in such young children are serious. It is the most serious symptom that we will talk about.

Necrotizing enterocolitis

Another disease that cronobacter infection can cause is inflammation of the baby’s colon. The symptoms that this can manifest is the rejection of food, bad stools or vomiting.


Sepsis is a serious disease. This is generated when the body has an immune response against a bacterial infection, as in this case.

The body releases chemicals into the blood in order to clear the infection, which leads to general inflammation and manifests itself through blood clots. By not being able to flow the blood in a correct way, the organs are not nourished as well as they should and can begin to fail.

How can I prevent this type of infection?

Cronobacter infection in infant milk.

There are some measures that are effective in preventing cronobacter infection. The best preventive measure is to feed it with breast milk, as it helps the immune system to strengthen itself and keep infections at bay.

But breastfeeding is sometimes not a possibility for the mother; so you must resort to the bottle. For these cases, you can resort to the following measures that we are going to share with you:

  • Use liquid formula milk, whenever possible, before powder.
  • If you choose to heat the milk so that the milk will drink warm, never use the microwave. And before giving it, check the temperature by putting a couple of drops on your wrist.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water before and after: touching the baby, preparing and giving him formula or other foods.
  • Clean and disinfect the bottles and nipples every time they are used, as well as the pumps and all other utensils. Sterilization is essential and helps prevent all types of infections, not just from cronobacter.
  • Do not store your baby’s items in a humid place, as this is an ideal place for bacteria and other microorganisms to grow. Especially if the utensils are not very dry.
  • If the baby does not finish the entire bottle, pour the milk after 2 hours. If you need to make the bottle, but you are not going to drink it at the moment, store it in the refrigerator to delay the appearance of microbes.
  • You can use tap water to mix it with the milk powder, but first you will need to boil it for about 3 minutes.

Prevention is key

As you have seen, prevention plays a key role in avoiding all kinds of consequences for the baby’s health. These are not exaggerations, but rather rigorous measures that arise from the need to protect an entire organism that is still very vulnerable.

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