DGT Regulations And Campaigns On Children

DGT campaigns on children try to raise awareness among parents and users of cars and traffic. In many cases, the little ones in the house are the most vulnerable.
Regulations and campaigns of the DGT on children

In Spain, traffic accidents are the leading cause of death in those under 14 years of age. Worldwide, every three minutes a child dies as a result of a road accident: 260,000 in a year. And a million children are seriously injured for the same reason.

To try to improve these alarming numbers, the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) has a very clear and strict regulation  that contemplates some specific measures for minors. In addition, the institution has launched road safety education campaigns to inform about the risks and the measures that can be taken to avoid them.

Next, we will see some elements to learn more about the regulations and the DGT’s campaigns on children.

Regulations and campaigns of the DGT on children

Children’s safety

When a child travels in a car, their safety depends fundamentally on two things: the driver and the proper use of a Child Restraint System (CRS). The driver has in his power the possibility of reducing the risks associated with his driving. You must drive calmly, respecting traffic rules, without aggressiveness or sudden gestures.

Regulations and campaigns of the DGT on children.

It is also necessary that, in daily driving, the safety space is maintained and the speed adjusted according to the traffic. According to the campaigns of the General Directorate of Traffic, this is a great way to protect minors during a trip.

The second factor capable of reducing the risk of injury to children during an accident is the use of SRIs. According to data from the DGT, 40% of the children who died in traffic accidents did not use any protection system. The use of chairs and other restraint systems reduces 75% of deaths and 90% of injuries.

The use of CRS, in addition to being recommended, is mandatory. This is established by the regulations. However, many children travel without proper protection. That is why the DGT has launched numerous campaigns to inform and raise awareness about these two fundamental aspects that contribute to reducing the risks of children during a car trip.

The use of Child Retention Systems (SRI),  one of the DGT’s campaigns

The regulations establish that all minors under 12 years of age who do not reach a height of 135 cm must use an approved restraint system, appropriate to their size and weight .

There are five categories of seats, according to the age, height and weight of the children. All seats must have a label indicating which vehicles they are for, and the size and weight of the children who can use them.

The chair straps should fit snugly against the child’s body. It is essential that parents follow the assembly instructions for each model well, and that they make sure that the seat is securely attached to the car seats before installing the little ones. The rear center seat is the one that offers the greatest safety in a frontal or side collision.

The DGT has carried out numerous information campaigns on the mandatory use of CRS through various media: radio, television, social networks, billboards, brochures, face-to-face campaigns on the roads, etc.

The regulations provide that authorities can immobilize a vehicle when passengers are not using these safety devices.

Regulations and campaigns of the DGT on children.

The Decalogue of Child Road Safety

In 2018, for the first time in history, all parties involved in children’s road safety came together with the sole purpose of working to improve the safety of minors on the roads.

The DGT hosted the General Assembly of the AESVI (Spanish Alliance for Child Road Safety). At that meeting the Decalogue of Child Road Safety was approved, which contains a set of essential measures whose objective is to protect the little ones.

This document, which has also been part of multiple road safety education campaigns undertaken by the DGT, contains fundamental aspects on the safety of children. In addition to providing recommendations on the type of chairs to use, where to buy them, how to install them, etc…, it also contains other very useful information.

The Decalogue recommends raising and lowering the child always in the safest part of the vehicle, that is, on the sidewalk. It is also advisable never to leave loose objects such as luggage or pets in the car near children. In the event of an accident, children can be thrown and cause serious injuries.

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