Differences Between Positive And Negative Punishment

Punishment is a technique that is often used to modify the behavior of the little ones. But there are two types of punishment: positive and negative. Next, we explain the differences between the two.
Differences between positive and negative punishment

Many times, fathers and mothers use punishment to try to correct the bad behavior of their children. But most parents use this method without knowing the difference between positive and negative punishment.

This behavior modification technique is the least recommended, and should only be used in extreme cases, since it is a measure that does not allow children to learn what mistakes they have made and how they can improve their behaviors.

Differences between positive and negative punishment

Punishment is used so that an undesirable behavior does not reappear or its repetition is considerably reduced. There are two ways to put this method into practice: through positive punishment or negative punishment. Next, we explain the differences between these two types of punishment.

Positive punishment

To apply a positive punishment, the child must be given an unpleasant stimulus, in order to penalize inappropriate behavior. That is, it is about giving something that the little one does not like.

Mother threatening her son with positive or negative punishment.

The aversive stimulus with which misbehavior is intended to be punished may consist of performing an action, providing an object, transmitting an emotion, etc. Thus, some examples of positive punishments would be:

  • Shout out.
  • Spank.
  • Put the child face to the wall.
  • Make an angry face.
  • To insult.
  • Threaten.

But this way of educating is not pedagogical at all,  since it incites violence, aggressiveness, revenge, etc. Therefore, we must try to avoid its use.

Negative punishment

Negative punishment consists of removing a pleasant stimulus when the child shows bad behavior. Therefore, it is about taking away a positive reinforcer, something that he likes. As in the previous case, the stimulus that is withdrawn can be an object, an action, an emotion, etc. For example, some negative punishments that are usually applied to the little ones are:

  • Do not allow them to watch TV.
  • Forbid them to leave the house.
  • Don’t let them play.
  • Take away their favorite toy.
  • Leave them without dessert.
  • Isolate them in the room.

Consequences of positive and negative punishment

It is very important to note that this behavior modification technique  should only be used when other educational methods have already been put into practice and none of them have worked, such as:

  • Employ dialogue and reflection.
  • Provide positive reinforcement.
  • Change the situation.
  • Ignore undesirable behaviors.
  • Offer time and distance.
  • Propose various choices to solve the problem.

In addition, when deciding to impose a punishment, it is imperative to apply it immediately after the problem behavior, explain the reason for the punishment, and remain calm at all times.

Child punished facing the wall.

Likewise, it is necessary to always reward and reinforce (with a compliment, an affectionate gesture, etc.), those behaviors that the child carries out as an alternative to a previously carried out misbehavior. For example, if he has been punished for not picking up toys, when he picks them up, let him know that he has done the right thing.

In short, to provide a good education for children it is advisable to avoid the use of punishments frequently, since these can generate the appearance of different consequences and negative effects on children and in their relationship with the environment, showing:

  • Afraid.
  • Unsafety.
  • Stress.
  • Social and coexistence problems.
  • Anxiety.
  • Submission.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Aggressiveness.

Therefore, if you are a mother or father who uses traditional punishment as the main method of correcting children’s behavior, it is time for a change! Try to learn and practice other alternatives to punishment!

The best alternatives to punishment

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