Educational Gifts For Children

Surely many times you have doubts about what to give your child or a child who is having a birthday. Do not worry! Here are some ideas for educational gifts for children.
Educational gifts for kids

We live in a society in which we usually gift others with some detail at certain parties and celebrations. In the case of children, things get complicated, since we want to satisfy their expectations and, in turn, give something original and that is beneficial for their evolutionary development. That’s why we’ve put together this article that describes educational gift ideas for kids.

Educational games have the function of being attractive, stimulating and motivating,  that is, they are another resource for learning. So you have to try to dedicate time and spaces to play, both at home and at school.

Learning by playing: educational gifts

Play is a fun and recreational activity that every child likes to do. The fact of playing is closely related to psychology and pedagogy, since it is an excellent didactic resource. In other words, it is an entertaining way to learn and stimulate new skills.

Babies, when they begin to explore the world, often do so by playing. It is very common for them to have very colorful toys, with sounds and with different shapes and textures. In this way, they begin to relate to the environment while progressing in many skills.

In addition, when the game is carried out with other children, social values ​​such as respect, cooperation, companionship, generosity, dialogue, etc. are learned.

Therefore, it can be said that play is an essential tool for a healthy and balanced development,  since it encourages:

  • The discovery. 
  • The observation.
  • The interpretation of the world.
  • The expression of ideas and feelings.
  • Creativity and imagination.
  • Social and communication skills.

4 educational gifts for kids

Activity blankets

Activity blankets are a perfect gift for a baby. They are made up of several areas in which different objects and educational tasks are presented  that the little one must carry out through different movements. In addition, they are usually made up of different colors and textures.

In this way, knowledge and mastery of the body is achieved by making the child experience new sensations. Therefore, they are ideal to promote, from early childhood, sensory and psychomotor development.

Educational gifts for children.

Building blocks

Every child should have some building blocks among his toys. They are a basic and very educational gift. This game allows you to develop, mainly:

  • The spatial vision. 
  • Fine motor skills.
  • Visomotor coordination.
  • The intuition.
  • Mental agility.

Likewise, it encourages the creativity and imagination of the little ones, since they can build different figures and shapes.

In addition, for this reason, the child also learns the importance of organization and knows his environment better. In this way, the game helps you to acquire certain concepts related to balance, symmetry, geometry, colors, etc.


Giving a puzzle as a gift is an excellent idea, regardless of the child’s age. This board game consists of joining a series of pieces to create and replicate a specific image or model.

This simple exercise involves the use of a multitude of mental capacities. Thus, the puzzles serve to enhance:

  • Visomotor coordination. 
  • Cognitive reasoning.
  • The attention. 
  • The memory. 
  • Problem solving.
  • Decision making.
  • Patience. 

Interactive books

Interactive books are a very attractive option for children, since current generations tend to be attracted to everything related to technology.

Unlike analog books, interactive books allow you to enter the story in a more personal way and live new adventures together with the characters.

This makes the little ones passionate about reading and stimulates their imagination. It is a perfect way to develop language and reading comprehension.

In addition, these types of books are more environmentally friendly, as paper and ink are not used to print. So, if you want to collaborate with the environment and encourage reading, this is the educational gift you have been looking for.

Educational gifts for children.

The importance of educational gifts

What can this gift bring to the child? This is the question you should think about before deciding on a toy to give as a gift.

It is not a question of spending a lot of money, but of knowing how to manage it well and decide to bet on useful and educational games. Keep in mind that education must be present in all moments of a child’s life, including leisure situations.

Educational gifts are necessary to learn, in a playful way, certain knowledge and develop various skills. Therefore, do not forget that playing is very important in childhood, but also in adolescence and youth. Don’t let your child put aside those moments of disconnection and enjoyment.

Always have the following phrase very present:

7 educational games for kids

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