End The Tantrums At Bath Time

Stop tantrums at bath time

For most children, the bath  It is a magical moment in which they have fun with the water and let their imagination run wild. However, many go through a stage in which, strangely, they never want to bathe . If this is your case and your baby does not stop throwing tantrums, keep reading this article and you will be surprised.

Surely, this moment is usually a rewarding activity for everyone at home, but imagine that one day, for no apparent reason, your little one does not provoke him to enter the shower and makes a show full of crying and tantrums, what would you do? Stop bathing him is impossible and forcing him is never not recommended .

Do not get frustrated if you do not want to bathe, discover the cause and create a strategy

Without a doubt, it is a critical scenario that surprises anyone. Until recently, you probably had to comfort him because his bathing time was up and now, you have to think of a good strategy so that you can convince him that personal hygiene  is essential for him .

And so a battle begins that could last a very long time, or perhaps a few days. Everything will depend on how you solve this riddle in raising your little one and implement an effective and delicate tactic , to achieve a goal that was previously part of everyday life: bathe your baby .

Tantrums Before Bath: Why Do They Happen?

What was a pleasant moment for both of them is now a tense moment. So, We want to emphasize that you do not worry or bother with that little angel . He is going through a stage and your duty is to help him overcome it successfully.

Now, before proposing some possible solutions, it is important that you try to remember or identify the possible causes that led to this new behavior . On many occasions, we are focused on giving them a good bath, that they do not fall, that soap does not get in their eyes, etc. and we do not notice other details.

Bad experiences in the bathroom can generate rejection of this activity

So, if you witnessed a bad experience from your little one in the bathtub, like, for example, you felt the water very hot or very cold or drowned by accident on a sip of water, perhaps you think this activity is unpleasant . You may also start to feel afraid of the drain, you already know how to say no or don’t want it removed.

After this process of reflection, Mommy and Daddy have to agree on the methodology they are going to adopt, to solve this problem . You will see that when he manages to overcome it, he will have found one more reason to trust  in you.

Strategies for a happy bath

With love and patience, you will discover that everything will return to normal. So, we want to help you achieve it together, without so many difficulties, with this interesting list of tips :

  • Use the small bathtub : yes, it’s true, surely you had already ruled it out because it almost doesn’t go in, but you will see it as an opportunity to play.
  • For nothing in the world do you force it : If you see that he gets nervous, wet a washcloth and pass it over his body calmly, so that he can regain confidence.
  • We are entering little by little : If you see him calmer, ask him to put his legs or arms in and then tell him that you want to play with him to bathe him.
  • To the depths Take the bathtub and place it inside the shower or large tub. Be careful when you go out because it could fall.
  • A firm attitude to lather your head : don’t be insecure about this step. Put a visor or petroleum jelly on his eyebrows so that soapy water does not get into his eyes.
  • Like looking at the stars : ask him to tilt his head back and pour water over his hair, so there is no risk of shampoo getting into his eyes.
  • With mommy’s heat – Let him know that the shower is coming to an end soon. When you’re done, wrap it up with a towel and an unforgettable hug.
  • And the cap for later : Try to open the cap of the bathtub to empty it when you are not there, because the noise can scare you.

As you can see, It is not a difficult process, but you have to stand firm and loving . Trust that he will get ahead and have fun again like before at the time of the b year .

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