Fear Of Childbirth: Tips To Help You Cope

The fear of childbirth: tips to help you cope

The fear of childbirth produces in many cases  a high level of anxiety that can cause harmful consequences in the woman. But knowledge of this fact does not always prevent it from occurring. Many women can’t help it, especially when it comes to new mothers.

As the date of delivery approaches, it is normal to feel a certain level of distress. Having a little fear of the unknown is normal. The problem comes when this situation is disproportionate and the woman feels genuine fear.

Talking and expressing this situation of anguish  is one of the solutions to the fear of childbirth. It is also important to be properly informed about what happens during childbirth, so as not to have erroneous or preconceived ideas that may cause us more distress.

The false alarm

One of the most common fears for all women as childbirth approaches is that of false alarms. What if you go to the hospital and it is a false alarm? Actually, nothing happens.

No healthcare professional is going to reproach a pregnant woman for believing that the time has come. Rather, the opposite happens. When symptoms and discomforts that could indicate the beginning of labor appear, what you should do is go to the clinic.

When there is a risk of pregnancy, oxytocin is usually administered at delivery.

Knowledge and trust

Experts advise that the pregnant woman and her partner visit their hospital maternity facilities. There you will see the emergency facilities, delivery rooms, the floor for pediatrics, etc. With this, anxiety is reduced, in addition to knowing the staff and gaining confidence.

On the other hand, the fear of childbirth, if it is very intense, seriously affects the woman’s body. It produces tension in the muscles and various physiological responses, such as palpitations, sweating, etc. To avoid these symptoms, there are some natural remedies.

As this fear subsides, the body will be better prepared, the uterus will function properly again, and the pain will decrease.

Tips to overcome fear of childbirth

As we have seen, it is essential to get good advice, especially in everything concerning the moment of delivery. Do not stop asking the doctor all the doubts that arise.

  • Once the pregnancy begins, it is very positive to go to childbirth classes. Among other things, because they will help you understand that pregnancy, and later delivery, are natural processes. The woman will learn to relax and breathe properly, thus reducing the fear of childbirth.
  • There are different relaxation techniques that help alleviate the state of anxiety. In addition, with these techniques negative emotions can be controlled.
  • The experience of other women can help you in some cases. But do not forget that each person is different. And every pregnancy too. What you should not do is listen to stories of childbirth with poor results. That won’t do you any good.
  • The partner support is also essential. The father has a fundamental role during pregnancy. Sharing your fears with him will help you vent and have a different perspective.
  • When the fear of childbirth is very intense and influences your rest or your daily activities, it is recommended that you speak with your doctor. It is possible that he will refer you to other health services that provide more specific help, to a specialist, etc.
    The fear of childbirth is solved by having good communication with the couple.

    Physical and mental preparation

    There is no reason to be pessimistic. The analyzes, ultrasounds and prenatal diagnostic tests are carried out precisely to make sure that everything is okay. Do not forget that the problems that occur during childbirth do not even reach 3%.

    Women with a negative vision may have a more painful delivery. Thinking positively, a higher level of oxytocin is released, a hormone that helps a lot to forget pain.

    Also, of course, it is important that you prepare yourself physically to give birth. Physical preparation includes working with the leg and gluteal muscles.

    Premature labor

    In the cases in which the delivery is advanced, you should not fear anything either. Trust in professionals must be total. These situations require calm and serenity, especially on the part of the mother.

    In case you have a premature labor, it is preferable not to guess or worry. The doctor will do everything in his power and what is most suitable  for both the mother and the baby. There are several options: giving oxytocin to achieve contractions, performing a cesarean section, etc.

    Once the baby is born, it is important to monitor it well. Thus, they should be in the incubator for a while so that there are no risks to their health. Although it is not easy to leave the baby in the hospital, every family must understand that the little one will be in the best place and in the best hands.

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