Four Ideas To Make A Christmas Card

Christmas is coming and the little ones are eager to unleash all their creativity by making their Christmas cards. Join us and don’t miss out on these great ideas.
Four ideas to make a Christmas card

Knowing ideas for making a Christmas card is essential if you want to give this holiday season a gift made with love and that really bears your personal stamp or that of your little one. If we consider the true meaning of Christmas, we will notice that it is a date to share with the family, express gratitude and affection, so doing this activity at home, without a doubt, allows the objective of this holiday to be fulfilled.

In You Are Mom, we wanted to present four proposals to make you stand out with your Christmas cards while you share a fun time doing crafts with your child ; you will notice how easy it is.

Four ideas to make a Christmas card

Making Christmas cards at home can be a very special occasion for children to have fun with their parents and siblings. In addition, the range of possibilities in terms of decoration, materials, colors and themes is so wide that children of any age can participate in its preparation.

It should also be noted that you do not need to spend money on expensive products because, as we will indicate below, with recycling materials that you have at home it will be even enough, you just have to let your imagination fly.

Painting a snowflake to dry the Christmas cards.

1.- Christmas card made with word cutouts

This Christmas card will be very fun for children who are already in preschool age, because, in addition, they will be able to improve their pulse and remember the activities they already do in the classroom. You should only have scissors (make sure they are special for children), old magazines, glue or delicate adhesive for the skin and colored cards.

The children should start by cutting out the squares with the words they want to include in the message. Later, they will have to choose the form in which they will appear; It can be in the shape of a Christmas tree, like a heart, like a spiral or just a few lines.

Then, they should, very carefully, apply the adhesive on the words so as not to exceed the amount. As a final decoration, you can add glitter or glitter to the card to give it a glowsy touch .

2.- Card embroidered with wool

This card option can be made by mothers and teenagers in the house. It is also quite simple and you do not need to be an expert in embroidery. You need wool thread in the color you like the most, an embroidery needle that has a blunt tip, a pencil with a very sharp point, and cardboard.

First, you must stamp the Christmas message you want to convey on the inside of the card. When this step is done, you will begin the embroidery. Now, with a pencil, mark the points where the thread will pass, in this way, you will ensure that the shape is perfect. Because it is Christmas,  the most recommended figures are the stars, the ‘little trees’ or the shapes of snowflakes.

3.- Cards for the Christmas tree

Another quite interesting option includes making cards but to decorate the Christmas tree. The good thing about this option is that all members of the family can participate  and adjust the difficulty of making the card according to age and abilities. In that case, we have two options:

Cards made with dried leaves

You can use a bunch of leaves of your choice and adhere them to the cardboard with a Christmas note. You must make a hole in it and pass the tape through it so that it hangs from the tree.

Decorating Christmas cards with cardboard trees.

Cardboard Spiral

This is easy for the smallest of the house, because they only have to take a cardboard and cut it in a spiral shape, paint it green, red or white, and add dots of frosted colors so that they have a lot of shine.

4.- Ideas to make a Christmas card: edible cards

As a last option, we wanted to get out of the traditional and give them a rich and fun idea for family members who love gastronomy and desserts. So what do you think of an edible Christmas card?

You can melt chocolate and make Christmas tree shapes or, with the help of a mold, write “Merry Christmas” . Remember to include your edible card inside a cellophane bag to be able to make the delivery.

We are sure that your family and friends will be pleasantly surprised with one of these beautiful handmade Christmas cards. Happy Holidays to everyone!

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