Future Study Plans For Our Children

How can we plan future study plans for our children? In practice, there are certain professions of the future, in demand and with wide professional opportunities to take into account.
Future study plans for our children

In recent years,  the labor market has transformed significantly in Spain and in the world. This is due, in part, to the crisis and, in part, to the great technological changes we are experiencing. Traditional jobs have become obsolete and new jobs are emerging that also require a new type of training, as well as various curricula.

Communication has radically changed with the possibility of hearing, seeing or even having a work meeting with people who are in any part of the world. Our children must prepare to face this new world panorama. They must develop capacities that allow them to adapt to this new way of working.

University careers with the most future

In the coming decades, various areas of knowledge will be transformed to adapt to the new digital age. And some careers that are now a minority could become important drivers of the labor market.

  • One of these options is undoubtedly that of specialists in digital marketing , SEO, SEM and content. The growth and importance of social networks and internet search engines has meant that more and more people are needed to work in this area.
  • Many people who initially worked in traditional sectors such as communication, marketing or advertising, have had to recycle and turn to the digital aspect.
    Future study plans for our children.
  • Another career that should be on our children’s future curricula is robotics engineering. Forecasts indicate that the fourth industrial revolution will bring robotization that will end with millions of jobs.
  • In this sense of the importance of robotics, a great demand is announced for expert engineers who are capable of repairing these machines and improving the systems.
  • Big data experts will also be in high demand for decades to come. Analyzing huge amounts of data is a growing need in many industries, so this is a career that is growing very rapidly. The need to organize and interpret all the available information means that future study plans include the training of these data experts.
  • There are other careers that will also be in high demand in the future and that should be included in our children’s study plans. Among them are the expert in genomics for agriculture and livestock, the voice software generator and linguists, and the geriatrician.

How should the university adapt to changes?

Higher education will undoubtedly continue to have great importance in the future. However, the university will have to adapt to all these changes. Its rigid structure makes it difficult for it to adapt quickly to changes, but this is not an option in today’s world.

One of the aspects that the university must take into account are the new technologies, the same ones that it must adopt in the classrooms and throughout its operation.

Another of the most important points that universities should take into account is the need to make profound changes in their structure in order to offer an education adapted to the moment. The study plan can no longer change every twenty years.

Future study plans for our children.

Among the things that the university will have to change to adapt future curricula is personalized learning and flexible distance learning. In addition, you must transform your campuses to make them ‘smart campuses’ and eliminate bureaucracy, in order to improve student service and facilitate all procedures.

Future study plans must include training that adapts to changes

Universities must be able to provide young people with skills linked to the present and future demands of the labor market; The basic comprehensive training of young people should not be neglected. But it is necessary to favor adaptable, creative, innovative personalities that are capable of adapting to unforeseen situations.

Many people currently work independently, via the internet from home, without having to go to an office. Clients can be in any country in the world without this being an obstacle. There is also greater job nomadism among young people, and that trend will increase in the future.

Teachers and universities must be able to offer students the tools that allow them to handle this new way of working. The challenge is great, and teachers must prepare to keep up with the advances of digital culture.

How to facilitate the study of the child

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