Girls Should Be Superheroines, Not Princesses

Girls should be superheroines, not princesses

It is the task of the father and mother to change the role of women in our society. We must be aware that girls must be superheroines and not princesses. You know how to do it? We give you some guidelines.

Girls should be superheroines, not princesses

In each of the cultures children are raised in different ways. Formerly the boy was told that he was brave and strong, while the girl was brought up by making her believe that she was weak, fragile and perfect. Fortunately, this culture has changed, today boys and girls are educated equally, and with the same rights.

To break gender-based stereotypes, our children need to see that both parents have an important stake in their education and home.

As mothers, we always try to give our daughters the best advice. However, there are things that only strong women transmit to their daughters: not having a cowardly heart and not putting up with stupid things from anyone. You are is the role model always for your daughter.

We are aware that there is no book to teach us how to be mothers, but please, never forget to teach your little heroine how many reasons she has to value herself.

Girls who make decisions for themselves from a young age always grow up more confident.


Keys to make your daughter one of the superheroines

Remember that love is the key in the formation of new women

You have to teach your daughter to never hurt her heart, never denigrate her and never forget to love herself.

Be feminine and delicate, in addition to having great physical strength and health

Your daughter must learn how wonderful it will be for her to exercise, eat healthy and know how to defend herself.

A woman who is physically strong will have a better chance of being strong in mind and spirit.

The discipline of sport strengthens not only her body, but also makes her a strong woman, trained in the effort to achieve what she seeks and dominate her body.

Being feminine and delicate is not necessarily something that is at odds with physical strength and health.

Equity at home

When our children see that their father participates in the housework, they assume that gender does not matter and that the work of a family must be equitable.

Give him the confidence of knowing that the day he makes a mistake he will have you by his side

The great problem of women is how little we value ourselves, and how little solidarity we are with other women. Work on your self-esteem, your security, and your intelligence.

The role of women in the cinema

Our daughters are continually looking for a role model to imitate at home, at school, and also on film or television. Girls from a young age must understand the role models of women who are neither fragile nor constant victims, but strong and independent people with the ability to get ahead on their own.

A few decades ago, women in films played secondary roles, in which they only participated as complementary figures, giving relevance to the protagonist. In addition, in the event that they became the protagonists, they needed the support of a gentleman to get them out of any predicament.

Unfortunately children’s movies were no exception, and they continued with similar stories in which female roles were played with somewhat defenseless princesses, who need to be rescued by a strong and brave man.


Today this role has changed, there are many drawings, series and movies, where girls can identify with their protagonists. They are strong protagonists, warriors and fighters where by themselves they achieve all their dreams, and they do not need any knight to save them from the situation.

Among many, we can highlight the following films:

  • Frozen
  • Mulan
  • Brave
  • Tangled
  • Matilda
  • Spirited Away
  • Lilo and Stitch
  • The Super Chicks
  • Wonderwoman

Let us work to educate self-confident, brave and independent girls, not fearful princesses of the world, who wait for a prince charming to save them.

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