Help Him Get Off His Diaper In 3 Days With These Tips

Help him get out of the diaper in 3 days with these tips

Helping the baby to put off the diaper becomes one of the main challenges for mothers, it does not go out of style and it is inevitable, because until now we have not found the correct method to carry out this process. It is an activity that requires a lot of patience, determination and above all a lot of love.

But, there is something we want to tell you: helping him to put off the diaper can be easier and faster than you think if you take into account the advice of the experts. Many mothers have found one trick or another, that is why they are willing to share it to further this hard task.

Is it possible to teach him to put the diaper off in just three days?

If we take into account that it took him a short time to get used to the diaper, we may be just as lucky that he leaves it. But on the other hand, it is important to distinguish that we ourselves have made it a habit and that the child does not know any other way to survive in these cases.

Both for the experience of mothers, as for that of specialists, it is possible to teach them to leave the diaper in a few days. This statement is based on the application of techniques aimed at focusing the cognitive elements that prevail in this stage.

The method is clearly fast, but it is not totally guaranteed that the child will also learn to go to the bathroom on his own, because in the process of giving up the diaper, he will relieve himself, but out of place. It should be noted that it is a process that is carried out step by step, which requires all the interest and dedication of the family.

Remember that going to the bathroom is not as simple as using a diaper, so it requires skills that involve more independence than you have. Entering the bathroom on your own, lowering your clothes, sitting down, and all subsequent actions require several months of practice, but are accomplished on the fly.

Three days to put off the diaper

toddler and teddy bear sitting on potties

Although this method is effective, it is not an infallible guideline and suitable for any family, since it consists of having the child naked from the waist down. Although we can achieve that in just three days the child learns the basics to leave the diaper, we are just beginning a process that must be continuous and permanent to be truly effective.

These helpful tips are conducive to seeking success in this endeavor:

  • Prepare yourself to dedicate the next three days to this work, remember to focus on this purpose and make sure you will have the time to do it
  • It is important to eliminate the tension that this can produce, because as we know positive stimuli are more effective. Fun moments, perks, games, dancing and laughter
  • Experts recommend  that there is no setback once we have made this determination. It is valuable for learning to have an effect, the fact that we can follow a constant process, where the whole family is involved
  • Let’s do everything possible to eliminate fears, because it is normal that they do not understand what they are facing and how to act in these cases

Day one

  • Remember that the child must be all day without a diaper and pants, it is necessary to be vigilant to begin to identify when he feels the need to urinate or defecate. At first it will do it anywhere, so we must be ready to take it to the bathroom.
  • Part of the training involves the whole family drinking plenty of fluids, so that they continually go to the bathroom. In the case of the father and mother, they can take the child with them to the bathroom when they have a need.
  • Celebrate his small achievements and do not blame him when he does not show evolution, but indicate that he must improve. Helping you clean up your waste can be effective.
  • Invite him to the bathroom before bed and be sure to put the diaper on until he is asleep.

Day two

The same routine from day one is repeated, with the variation that we plan a family outing. This walk must be announced and has a condition that the child can use the potty beforehand, just before leaving. For greater benefits, it can be repeated by the family.


The purpose is to hold without urinating until you get home, of course, you should not wear a diaper, or underwear, just some pants that are loose enough to be comfortable. Do not forget to bring a change of clothes, in case there is an “accident”.

Day three

We must also repeat the routine of day one and two, this time we vary with the start, we will do two walks. The intention is that the child can relate the exit with the need to use the bathroom, before leaving we pee until we return.

On this occasion, it is recommended that you take the potty with you, because if we are lucky we will get you to use it outside the home. It is not advised that they go out by car, very far from home or for a long time, as it is a training walk without pressure.

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