How Many Gifts Should Children Receive For Christmas?

Christmas has become a time of excessive consumption. Therefore, it is necessary to set limits on how many gifts children should receive for Christmas.
How many gifts should children get for Christmas?

We all agree that there is no greater excitement on these Christmas dates than seeing the excited faces of the children opening the gifts that Santa Claus or the Three Wise Men leave under the tree. But how many gifts should children get for Christmas?

Increasingly, we are turning Christmas into a time of consumption, sometimes beyond our means. The gift of grandparents, uncles, those they leave at home, that of the neighbor … Many times, children get together with gifts that they pay attention to for a day, two, but then are forgotten by the overload of toys around them.

I see it, I want it

Christmas begins when the first toy catalogs arrive and children begin to ask uncontrollably, because everything catches their attention. In addition, supermarkets fill with entire aisles of toys and toy stores fill their shelves even more with a whole range of possibilities for all ages.

And nobody can resist all that in front of the eyes: they see it, and they want it. Therefore, there is a need to put a limit when asking for gifts because, after  a few days, the children will only pay attention to a couple of toys of all those they have received.

Baby opening his Christmas presents under the tree decorated with lights.

Have you ever seen a child play with the wrapping paper or with the box where the toy was wrapped and put the toy itself aside? That says it all: they  are entertained, sometimes, with anything and it is not necessary an excess of toys. Therefore, there is the eternal question of how many gifts it is good for a child to receive for Christmas.

That is why it is said that children up to 2 years old should receive a maximum of two toys, since their attention is not the same as that of an older child and they are not yet able to focus it for a long time on the same toy .

As they grow, the number of toys should increase, but not excessively. Until the age of ten, children should not receive more than four or five gifts. That number will make you always keep your attention during all things and not waste the rest.

How many gifts should children get for Christmas? The rule of four gifts

To answer the question we asked ourselves at the beginning, how many gifts should children receive, there is the so-called rule of the four gifts, which consists of giving the following:

  • Book.  Instill in them a taste for books and the world of reading. Currently, the variety of book themes will make any child acquire a taste for reading and be culturally enriched.
  • Clothing.  Giving away clothes, accessories or accessories, it is a gift that always likes and is usable.
  • One thing they need.  Take advantage of the gifts to include something they really need: school supplies, something that was recently broken …
  • Something that they truly want.  Giving them something they really want will make them focus on that gift and forget about everything else they wanted without so much insistence. In addition, they will spend a lot of time playing with him by not being surrounded by many more things to lose attention with.
    Children opening solidarity gifts at Christmas.

The importance of reflecting and sharing

The overload of gifts generates in the children insatiety. The more they have, the more they want. What is achieved with this overload is that, as they grow, they are never satisfied with anything. 

In this sense, it is very important to establish the limits and, in addition, teach them that many children may not have gifts or have only one, so that, first of all, they put themselves in the shoes of other children and think about themselves and, in second, share what they have with other children.

A good way to establish these limits is to sit down with your child to write the letter for the Magi or Santa Claus soon because, if you leave it for a few dates very close to Christmas, the child will have already seen hundreds of toys that they will love. Otherwise, the range of possibilities will be smaller and, in addition, you can close it a little more by establishing the limits that we talked about earlier.

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