How To Celebrate Fabulous Children’s Birthdays At Low Cost

How to celebrate fabulous children's birthdays at low cost

For mothers it is definitely an illusion to celebrate the fulfillment of a new year of life for our little ones, but let’s be clear: it is a hard blow to the pocket! That is why here we will share some tips to celebrate fabulous low-cost children’s birthdays.

Of the many things that make a person excited during their childhood, one of the most important is perhaps their birthday.

As children it is quite an event to reach another year, we dream of the party, the cake, the games, the guests. For children it is a long-awaited and fun day, for parents it is different.

When it comes time to organize the party, stress is likely to take over.

We want our child to have the best party possible, we take care of every detail and in that process we may not skimp on expenses and end up wasting money unnecessarily.

Another possible scenario is that we want to celebrate the birthday of our little one at all costs, but the numbers simply do not give us, the budget we have is limited and we think that it will not be appropriate to make a celebration with little money. Well, it really is possible. How?

Tips to organize a fabulous birthday with little money

birthday 1

With creativity and organization you can have a fabulous party, here are some tips:

  • Organize your budget and your time. Knowing how much money we have will allow us to know what we owe and what we can spend on. Plan the party in advance.

There are things that you can buy a little in advance such as the prizes that are usually given in raffles, the filling of the piñata or the glasses, cutlery and napkins. The idea is that you distribute the expense and that it is not all at once.

  • Save on invitations. In this technological age it has become a custom to make them virtually, a video or a simple image is perfect, as well as ecological. You can also make them yourself, colored cardboard, scissors and a printer will be your best allies in this task in which you can also involve the honoree to add his personal touch.
  • Look for tutorials on the internet. On the web you can find dozens of instructions that will give you many practical ideas for centerpieces, celebration games and cakes.
  • Choose an original and attractive theme. The reason for the party does not have to be a limitation, in fact if it is not the cartoon or the fashionable child character it will be much better. The circus, the farm, the world of sweets or a garden can be a more versatile and less expensive theme.
  • Make the decorations yourself. Once you have selected the reason for the party, let your imagination fly and get to work. Decorating with balloons, banners from cardboard and anime decorations are one of the most affordable options that you can build.
  • Choose the ideal time. The most appropriate time for children’s parties is usually after between two and three in the afternoon, since your guests will already arrive satisfied with lunch and you will not have to offer main courses.
  • The ideal place. Depending on the number of guests, the place will depend. You do not have to spend on the rent of a great room, you can adapt the room of your house, the garden or the party room of your building or even a trusted family member or friend.
  • Prizes for the time of the raffles and raffles. It is tradition to hold some games or competitions and reward the winners. In this case, the gift does not have to be a great toy, a story or a board game, it will be practical and educational.
  • Simple but tasty food. Some of the snacks, cookies or sweets you can make yourself, grandmother’s recipes are infallible in these cases. If you have to buy some snacks, choose the correct amounts, 8 to 10 per person is recommended.

Learn together to enjoy the simple


We have already seen and provided you with some tools to save money when having a children’s party, but if you still do not dare to do it or simply cannot afford it at this time, do not feel bad.

Teaching the little ones that it is not always possible to celebrate with great luxuries, it is not something crazy, you do not become a bad mother because of that.

On the contrary, you will be teaching them that the simple can also be enjoyed, together they will learn to appreciate and value what they have and will build unforgettable moments.

Celebrating all birthdays big is not an obligation, in fact there are celebrations that your child may not enjoy, especially in the first years of life.

It’s best to invest in a fabulous party at an age where your child will really be able to have fun with each of the things you have prepared for him.

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