How To Cope With Cravings In A Healthy Way?

How to cope with cravings in a healthy way?

To cope with cravings in a healthy way during pregnancy, the first step is learning to choose the right foods at the time of shopping. Believe it or not, this moment is key, as it helps you to discard once and for all those options that have no nutritional value and are also full of artificial substances with a certain addictive component.

Cravings can occur at any time of the day and, therefore, it is important to have the pantry and refrigerator full of delicious options, but always within the healthy. It is not the same to have a serving of Greek yogurt with dried fruits or a fresh fruit salad than some French fries, for example.

Cravings in pregnancy

Food cravings are normal during pregnancy. Sometimes it can be junk and other times candy. There is no rule that indicates what can and cannot cause. In fact, there are women who, instead of sweets and fried foods, suddenly have cravings for sweet and sour pickles or fruits.

Since the mother’s diet has a great impact on the development of the baby, it is important that she maintain good habits and avoid all kinds of excesses.

There is nothing wrong with having an ice cream, a chocolate, a cake, some pickles in the vinaigrette from time to time. In fact, sporadically allowing yourself one of those tastes is one of the 10 tips offered by the General Council of Nutritionists and Dietitians of Spain to carry a healthy pregnancy.

The point is that these types of cravings must be satisfied once a Lent and it is precisely in that where it is considered that there is greater difficulty.

In general, it is not healthy to eat sweets, fried foods, pastries, or a lot of salt. Eating too much of this type of food is detrimental to anyone’s health, especially during pregnancy. In addition, it makes you gain weight that will later cost you to lose.

Stock your pantry with healthy foods

To control cravings, avoid buying unhealthy foods.

Instead of stocking your pantries with treats, look for healthy substitutes. There are many nutritious and delicious options that can steer you away from refined sugars. Here are some ideas: 

  • Instead of choosing cereals that are sugary and full of artificial substances, opt for a delicious bowl of whole grain or granola or flaked oatmeal.
  • Dietitians also recommend a delicious low-fat creamy yogurt over fruit with cream.
  • If you crave chocolate, opt for black (that is, the one with the highest percentage of cocoa). Avoid those that contain milk, sugar and other additives.
  • Substitute salty snacks for nuts that have been roasted without salt.
  • Preparing yourself some cherry tomato skewers, low-calorie cream cheese, accompanied by carrot and cut cucumber is also a rich and healthy meal that may well satisfy one of your cravings.
  • Store fresh cut fruit and vegetables in the refrigerator. Try to keep it in clear containers. So, when you feel like eating something delicious and open the refrigerator, you will find healthy options.

    Tips to cope with cravings

    Tips for coping with cravings in pregnancy.

    To cope with cravings and choose the healthiest options, the General Council of Nutritionists and Dietitians of Spain drafted the following guidelines that will help you cope with your pregnancy cravings in a better way:

    • Treating yourself once in a while is allowed. The idea is that in general you eat in a healthy and balanced way and that, from time to time, you commit a sin.
    • Exercise daily. Physical activity will bring multiple benefits for you and your baby and will help you maintain a healthy weight.
    • Spend time with family and friends. Sometimes more than pregnancy cravings, what many women feel is anxiety – a feeling that can be more satisfactorily comforted with the company of friends and family than with a binge on sweets.
    • Shop with a conscience. Keep in mind that satisfying your cravings in a healthy way is a task that begins with buying foods that contribute to your health.
    • Don’t skip meals. Eat a regular diet that includes your breakfast, your lunch, your dinner, and two snacks; and especially in which you try not to skip the main meals, it contributes to maintaining your good health. Also do not forget to drink water.
    • Choose small servings. It is always better to have two scoops of ice cream than to fill a glass and eat a couple of squares of chocolate than a whole bar. Of the good, you have to take little.
    • Healthy substitutes. Instead of using refined sugar, opt for organic honey, agave syrup, and stevia.
    • Don’t worry if you reject any food. Within each food group there are many more substitutes that you can choose from.


    In general, to cope with cravings you have to avoid being carried away by the impulse and pay attention to the options that can contribute something at a nutritional level and not just good taste at the moment.

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