How To Help Your Child Adjust To Going Back To School

Going back to school involves many changes that children must face.
How to help your child adjust back to school

On the first day, like every year, children need a few days to adjust to going back to school. Although some children enter school happy to meet their teachers and friends again, there are many for whom going back to school becomes a difficult day. Crying, tantrums or anger are the most common reactions this first day of the course.

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Children, like adults, when they return from vacation suffer the changes that return to the routine implies. For this reason, many nursery schools and colleges give an adaptation period of a few days so that children can get used to going back to school. Normally it assumes that children progressively go to school each day until they adapt to the normal school day.

Go preparing your daughter or son the days before school trying, for example, not to go to bed late, so that they get up sooner each day. At first it will be difficult for him to do it, but in a few days he will surely pick up the pace.

Even if you try to prepare them for going back to school, it may be that your daughter or son will have a harder time adjusting this year. Do not despair. This is a common behavior in many children. To prevent this, we are going to give you some tips so that the adaptation of children to school is the best and fastest possible.

Don’t forget that motivation is the most important thing. Children do not know what they are going to face this year in school : new teachers, new classmates, new books, etc. Their ignorance causes them fear and doubts. We have to talk the days before with them, giving them confidence about the school and what they will find in the classrooms next year.

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5 tips to help your child adjust back to school

1. Promote time adaptation

At first, she takes the child only for a few hours to nursery school and, little by little, she increases the hours.

Each child needs time to adjust. Many schools do it, but if not ask the teacher in case it is possible.

He also tries to take it leisurely on the first day of school. Try to wake the child with enough time to eat breakfast and go quietly and without stress.

2. Take him personally to school

One of the tips that we propose is that the mother or father take it personally to school for the first few days and, if they can, pick it up.

It is a way of giving him security, because his parents are the ones who leave him at school, showing their confidence towards the center and the teachers. In addition, you can take the opportunity to talk with his teacher and find out directly how he is doing in class.

3. Let him carry his favorite stuffed animal

A good idea may be to let your child bring his favorite stuffed animal or favorite object to school. Thus, the child will feel that he has something with him that reminds him of his family and home and will be more secure.

It is also good that he chooses the school supplies so that he also feels more comfortable the first days of school.

4. Do not prolong goodbyes

One of the great mistakes of parents is to prolong the first days of goodbyes. The first week you have to try to make the farewells at the door of school or class as fast as possible.

You have to transmit security to the child and avoid drama. Your child should know that in a little while you will be picking him up and that what you are doing is the best for him. If you prolong the goodbye, the child will notice your insecurity and will enter class crying.

5. Talk to him

When you come back from school on the first day, spend some time talking to him and asking how the day at school went. Shows surprise and interest in what happened to him in class. Let the child tell you about it so that he can integrate it into his daily journey. It is a very good idea to play for a while with him every afternoon at school and if it can be to dedicate, for example, half an hour to a game that he has learned in class.

Surely if you follow these simple tips your daughter or son will have a better adaptation to school and the first days of class will be calmer. Dare to practice them.

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