How To Motivate Your Child Not To Drop Out?

How to motivate your child to not drop out?

Motivating a teenager not to drop out can be difficult, especially when his group of friends thinks that studying is a waste of time and, en masse, drops out of school .

Early school leaving has become a social and family problem, because the same for the home as the community, it is disastrous that adolescents reject the continuity of their studies and become prey to drug addiction, delinquency and depression.

Although not all children who cut their studies do the same, in general, their possibilities are more restricted once they stop cultivating, learning a profession.

Mom, if you suspect that your son is considering dropping out early, here is some advice on how to proceed.

Enjoying youth, taking advantage of the teenage years when there are few obligations, is not ruining the life project that, as a young man, he should have.

What are the causes that motivate their desertion?

Your son is thinking of leaving his studies for a cause. In order for you to know how to handle the situation, the first thing you must know is the origin of its purpose.

If it is about bullying, you have the task of finding out which children are bothering you and what is the reason for this abuse.

You will talk with your child about the problem with the intention of getting him to open up with you; Thus, between the two of them, they can find a way to stop the abuse.

You must necessarily go to their study center to talk with their teachers, tutors, directors and even with the parents of the children who bully them.

In addition to bullying, a common cause that motivates many adolescents to drop out of school is the criteria shared by their friends.

If the group is of the idea that studying is a waste of time and that it is better to work to earn quick money and be independent, it is likely that your child is getting carried away by that thought.

Among other origins that motivate school dropouts are:

  • Getting pregnant when you are very young (adolescent) or getting a girl pregnant if your child is a boy. The responsibility of caring for a baby or of wanting to do so, definitely leads to trying to abandon studies to support the unborn child
  • Drug addiction. Even if they are legal drugs such as alcohol or cigarettes, to consume them, your child will need to have a certain financial solvency that you may not be able to offer.
  • The low economic resources of the family. An adolescent who has been raised handicapped may be induced to drop out of school just as much to personally improve his standard of living as that of his entire family.

How to motivate your child to not drop out?

Whatever the reason that leads your adolescent to leave school, you should know it as soon as possible. Only then can you take a measure. In no case, the solution is to drop out of school.

Mom, among all that you and your family can do, we cannot fail to mention the following:

Your child needs to have his basic needs met, at a minimum. They are your responsibility and that of your loved ones. But that is not only about putting bread on the table.

As a young man of this time, he must also enjoy the other material goods that others have, or at least, the average of the youth population within which he operates.

Another thing. Don’t pick his friends, but don’t turn a blind eye when you suspect he’s getting bad influences from them either. Don’t wait until it’s too late to try to get closer to the group and talk about what they are discussing at school.

Finally: encourage your child to study. From a young age, you must have encouraged him to want to learn so that, on his own, he has found a way to cultivate.

If you didn’t, you’re still on time. Talk to him about how important it is to study to learn a trade or have a much better profession: graduating from university, getting a master’s degree, a doctorate …

Dreaming makes us entrepreneurs. Encourage his dreams to give up the idea of ​​leaving school.

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