How To Prevent Tooth Decay In Children?

How to prevent tooth decay in children?

It has always been said that prevention is better than cure. Therefore, the rule when facing tooth decay in children for the first time cannot be other. Ideally, you should start by learning about different topics such as food and oral hygiene in general.

If the preventions you decide to take are adequate, you will avoid your child going through different dental treatments against cavities that, in some cases, are especially problematic and painful.

Good dental hygiene

Good dental hygiene is the key to the correct health of your mouth. All dentists agree that it is useless to visit the dentist twice a year if the rest of the days a weak and inconsistent hygiene is maintained.

There are many methods to ensure your baby’s oral hygiene. If he is only a few months old, his mouth can be kept clean by gently wiping his gums with a clean baby cloth. You can do this once or twice a day, but remember that the important thing is the periodicity.

When you see their first teeth begin to emerge, brush them gently with water and a special toothbrush for babies. Choose a toothbrush with soft bristles, these are very similar to hairbrushes for newborns, identify them by this reference.

It is advisable to brush your teeth three times a day after each meal.

The use of fluoride

But … what is fluoride? It is an essential nutrient that improves the quality of tooth enamel,  making teeth more resistant to cavities. The use of fluoride prevents the appearance of cavities by interfering with the metabolism of bacteria.

Its presence facilitates the incorporation of calcium into the hard tissues of the tooth and its remineralization. There are several commercial forms of fluoride and it is usually included in toothpastes, gels, lozenges or varnishes. It is advisable to consult with the dentist which should be the best option for each child. Some of these presentations are for professional use and are administered under the supervision of a consulting specialist.

It is also important that you inform yourself if the water in your home has fluoride or not. If your household tap water does not contain enough fluoride, your child’s dentist will usually prescribe a fluoride supplement if there is a high risk of tooth decay.

Care changes once the child reaches 12 months

Once your child is one year old, it is a good idea to start brushing their teeth regularly twice a day.  If your child’s dentist recommends the use of fluoride toothpaste -specially for children-, apply a small amount similar to the size of a grain of rice so as not to abuse it.

The best times of the day to brush your teeth are after breakfast and after dinner. Teach your child from a young age that the fluoride in toothpaste is designed to be rinsed out and not to be swallowed. Watch your child brush their teeth, and once they are old enough, make sure they spit out the toothpaste residue after brushing.

Snacks high in sugar, causing tooth decay

We all know that these snacks are the ones that taste the best and the ones that most awaken smiles on children’s faces, but not all of them are good for the teeth or for the correct nutrition of the little ones.

Sugar is in many cases the cause of tooth decay in children

Sweets such as cakes, cookies and other sugary foods are unfortunately in many cases the cause of tooth decay in both baby teeth and permanent teeth.

Sweet snacks contain different types of refined sugar. In addition, some of the foods that are high in sugar also contain a lot of fat.  Starchy foods break down into sugars when in the mouth, which is not good for children’s dental health.

If you observe that your child has cavities, do not hesitate to go to the dentist to indicate the most appropriate methods for their repair and that your child’s teeth are healthy and grow strong. Until then, a healthy diet and constant oral hygiene will be your best allies to avoid tooth decay.

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