I Only Chose To Undertake From Love

I only chose to start from love

Some people decide to undertake from the academic plane, others from the workforce. Others are simply in charge of satisfying their desires and fulfilling dreams. Travel, material possessions, whatever. However, I particularly chose to undertake from love.

What difference does it make from where we choose to build our lives and build our destinies. The important thing is to take charge of our own decisions. From now on, always be happy with that path that we prefer to take, and its consequences. Be the sweetest, but also the bitterest.

From a very young age I understood that I should start from love. That deepest, pure and sincere. I longed to become a mother, I wanted it with all my might. He dreamed of it, at night, but also during the day, with his eyes open.

My dream was rekindled every time life crossed me with a child. Every time I received the news of families that were happily enlarging. When that test yielded the desired positive. As my belly began to grow, and to take on and manifest life.

The day I managed to turn the most powerful pain into the most gratifying and satisfying proof of love. The moment I saw the fruit of my creation for the first time. After countless moments shared, problems solved, and anecdotes lived and told.

Undertake from love, every day

To undertake from love means to focus on the well-being of that built life, without pause but without haste. Giving everything, for love, for nothing. Offering the most selfless and limitless pure and infinite love of a mother.

It also implies learning to enjoy each moment. Take ownership of the moments. Be willing to learn, to grow, without fear of making mistakes. But above all, inhabit the here and now with majesty. Forget the past and fix your eyes on tomorrow.

Undertaking from love involves a daily choice of dedication and sacrifice. The desire to overcome obstacles and various difficulties. No matter what it is, or how big the wall to go through. After all, there is no greater satisfaction than being the winner, together with your little one next to you.

This tender and sweet company offers the most beautiful treasures in return. The most beautiful and endearing moments. The love of the purest, innocent and fresh souls. The unthinkable and unimaginable strength of a smile, the healing power of a hug.

The silences that an expressive look annihilates. Those “I love you” that forever mark our hearts. This is what really unites the broken parts of any soul. This is truly the magic of the most wonderful stage of children, childhood.

Always keep the same choice

Many years ago I chose to undertake from love. And I understand that this necessarily means maintaining the same choice forever and ever. To embrace it with conviction every day of our lives. With the only certainty that it has been a unique and truly wonderful experience.

An experience that, far from being worth it, was worth the life, the joy. It was worth every laugh, and every cry. Every pleasant moment, every displeasure, why not? Because from every moment together with our children we learn, and we teach. We simply live. And if we live, we share.

Together we have overcome the most diverse and adverse situations. We fight battles that we never imagined winning, but we have succeeded. Together we pounced on dreams that were mistakenly presented as impossible. We dare to challenge the limits of what is possible, being victorious.

I will always maintain that motherhood is the most beautiful thing that has happened to me. There is no experience quite like it. May it fill and nourish my being as an undertaking from love. Educating my son from the heart and feeling invaded by feelings that I thought were non-existent injects life into my daily life.

For all this, and much more, I can say that I will never tire of my own decision. Maybe everything I planned 100% has not turned out to be what I projected. But the truth is that motherhood is like a laboratory that works by trial and error.

We necessarily learn along the way with our children. On the fly, constantly recalculating. And what difference does it make how many times we get lost and have to change the route. Ultimately, what will always remain intact and unshakable is our love for our children and our desire for their eternal happiness.

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