Is The Urge To Get Pregnant Contagious?

Have you ever experienced an increase in your desire to be a mother when a woman close to you went through pregnancy? This phenomenon is very frequent and has its explanation; We will tell you about it below.
Is the urge to get pregnant spread?

It often happens that when a woman becomes pregnant, one or more of her friends or relatives also decide to look for a baby. Certainly, this social phenomenon has aroused the curiosity of many and led to theories about it; hence the question: Is the urge to get pregnant contagious?

How many times have you heard the famous popular saying that pregnancies are contagious? Although for a long time it was considered a joke, the reality is that it does not differ much from what happens.

With the passage of time, the repetition of cases of women who are part of the same work groups or friends who become pregnant led to a deeper understanding of this issue. The results of various studies surprised the researchers : it is no myth that the desire to become pregnant is transmitted from one person to another.

Reasons for contagion of the desire to become pregnant

Of course, this contagion is not due to physical issues. Pregnancy is not a ‘virus’ that passes from person to person by sharing a glass, for example. It is a mental disposition that arises from a desire and becomes a determination according to the baggage of each person (personality, family history, lifestyle, etc.); therefore, it is a rather psychological phenomenon.

Logically, the phenomenon does not apply to all women or to all cases : there are also those who maintain their unalterable life plan. This may or may not include motherhood at some point. Next, we will list the changes that occur in the way each woman interprets her reality.

Greater desire to be a mom

When a woman is deeply moved by the fact that she sees other people enjoying a baby, it is inevitable that she will project herself into this situation. And if the illusion is maintained over time, it will inevitably become a desire to be a mother. Therefore,  she will look for the opportunity to realize her dream. 

Motherhood can be contagious for close friends.

Increased confidence to achieve it

Pregnancy and childbirth are two moments that generate many doubts and anxiety for women. However, seeing that someone in their environment went through these processes successfully, many feel more confident and determined to be able to do it as well. This is enhanced when it comes to women of the same age, who live in similar circumstances or who belong to the same intimate group.

More information on the subject

The permanent dialogue with the new or future mother can lead a woman to learn more about the subject. Today, there is a wealth of information available, as well as a wide variety of professionals dedicated to preparing women for motherhood.

As a result, many prejudices and myths that made women doubt about the dangers and benefits of being a mother are eliminated. Also, the positive aspects are highlighted with greater intensity, which results in a greater desire to experience those sensations.

Source of support

In addition to the influence that one woman’s situation may have on the desire to become pregnant for another, there are also practical aspects that must be considered. Every situation is easier to cope with collectively; This idea also applies to pregnancy.

Especially in groups of friends, having an almost simultaneous pregnancy offers the opportunity to share feelings, concerns and moments. Also, from the point of view. economic is very profitable: on the one hand, purchases can be made wholesale instead of retail and, on the other hand, there is the optimization of resources – such as travel expenses or clothing loans – and all this  allows to face this process with greater peace of mind.

Spending time with friends can be extremely comforting for a mother.

Can the reverse effect occur?

Just as the desire to become pregnant is transmitted in groups of women who share time together, the opposite situation can also occur. When the idea of ​​postponing motherhood is present in several members of the group, it is reinforced even more.

In these cases, the influence that motherhood – planned or not – can have on one of its members diminishes. In fact, it is very likely that this will end up further convincing the rest of the girls that they are not yet ready for the process.

Ultimately, it is difficult to draw conclusions when it comes to the human mindset. In addition, it must be considered that many other factors also influence here, such as the personal moment and the couple, their economic stability and the life projects of each individual.

Still, now you know that the next time you hear about the pregnancy contagion, it won’t just be a joke. This phenomenon exists, and it is highly likely that you know cases regularly.

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