Kangaroo Mothers, A Good Option?

Kangaroo mothers, a good option?

You can make your lap into a pouch – the bag where kangaroos carry their young – and become one of the “kangaroo” mothers who have adopted this method to ensure a quick evolution and recovery of their premature baby.   Your arms and warmth can give you something more than comfort to overcome this stage, it is the beginning of the most beautiful of connections that can exist: “mother and son”.

The warmth that you offer your baby every time you hold him or her can give him more than just comfort. This is Mom, becoming one of the “kangaroo” mothers is the noble way to collaborate and achieve the full development of that little baby that was born early and needs your special care to quickly overcome this delicate stage.

If your pregnancy did not reach term and your baby is premature, this extrauterine maturation technique is perfect for him; This way you can avoid putting it in an incubator and you can always have it very close to you.

Kangaroo mothers the best incubator for your newborn

The “kangaroo” mother method has two clear objectives: to try to stabilize your newborn through natural techniques and to place you in the front row as its main caregiver. Who better than you to ensure their well-being?

Kangaroo mother better than incubator

You can ask the team of neonatologists and pediatricians to allow you to actively participate in their recovery using this wonderful method, as long as your little one does not present any pathological condition that compromises their stability.

Benefits for your baby

Your child not only has physical needs, such as having an ideal temperature for his development. Their demand for affection is much greater in the midst of the vulnerability that the first weeks of life imply. The most relevant benefits of this method are mentioned below:

  • It promotes the recovery of your baby in the short term as well as  encourages parenting with attachment that results in well-being for all family members: your child, your partner and you.
  • Exclusive breastfeeding plays a fundamental role in caring for the premature and low-weight baby. So by adopting the “kangaroo” position you can facilitate feeding on demand for your little one, being 100% available to him.
  • The emotional and physical bond between you and your little one will be strengthened, as being close to the baby will provide you with the tools to tend to their needs.
  • The  close contact, early and prolonged between mother and child more quickly develop what we call the “divining faculty , ” which is simply to understand the baby; But for this to happen it is necessary that you take him in your arms physically and mentally.
  • The practice of the “kangaroo” mother promotes the rapid evolution of the affective bond with your baby.

The clinical psychoanalyst Mariela Michelena in her book “A Year for a Lifetime” points out that the mother needs to be close to the baby permanently to understand his language. Only by accompanying him in his joys, hours of sleep, play and food, will you be able to identify the causes of his crying and you will have the opportunity to calm him down.

If you are a new mother, you will face the dilemma of raising the baby in your arms or seeking a distance between the two. The dozens of opinions that you will hear daily from your parents, grandparents, friends and other family members will end up confusing you, since you do not want to disappoint anyone.

kangaroo mother two

It is possible that you feel fear that with this method and think that it can lead to an absolute dependence on your little one and this will affect your return to daily activities.

When it comes to independence, the time will come when the baby will require less and less of you to function ; and that day, according to the usual testimony of mothers, will arrive faster than you wish.

So the best option will be to keep it on your lap for as long as necessary, offering without much thought your wonderful maternal nest and if you want better results, caress it constantly, tell it how much you love it and wish it to be very well.

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