Kiddle, The Children’s Search Engine As An Alternative To Google

Kiddle is a new way of accessing new technologies in a simpler and safer way.
Kiddle, the children's search engine as an alternative to Google

New technologies are part of our day to day. And, although we resist it, they are also increasingly part of children’s lives. Many parents see the use of new technologies in children as a negative factor in their lives. However,  there are methods for children to use the Internet and all its derivatives in a much safer way, such as using a children’s search engine.

Parental control tools

Some electronic devices such as tablets are becoming indispensable for children. The reason? Classrooms are beginning to use them as notebooks and textbooks without having to carry a generous volume of books and carry weight on the backs of the little ones. For this reason, it is inevitable that children have more and more contact with new technologies.

Given the concern of parents regarding the danger that this implies due to the exposure and vulnerability of children, parental controls have emerged, such as blocking certain elements in applications, such as purchases or advertising.

However, one of the most important elements of the internet, such as its search engine par excellence, Google , is within the reach of a single click for children. This new ‘encyclopedia’ can serve as a study supplement for children, but it can also offer them numerous contents that are not at all appropriate for their age.

Father with his son teaching him the use of Kiddle, the infantile finder.

Kiddle the Child Seeker 

Kiddle is the children’s version of search engines. In other words, it is a search engine designed for children.

In this way, there are two characteristics that stand out about this search engine: it is safe and visual. And it is that, as soon as we enter its domain, we adults realize the similarity with Google, even without belonging to the company. But we also perceive that it is not a space for the oldest, but for the little ones.

First feature: security 

Google offers thousands of information within the reach of a click in seconds. However, among those thousands, there are several that are not suitable for the little ones.

For this reason, Kiddle filters websites that contain misleading, inappropriate or explicit content  , so that all the information that children receive will be appropriate for them. These results are always offered by the search engine in the same way:

  • The first three results are websites geared specifically for children. These have been reviewed and selected by those created by the search engine.
  • From the fourth to the seventh result. In these positions we will find websites not specifically directed for children but whose contents are suitable for them due to the simplicity of their writing.
  • From the eighth onwards. It offers the first safe Google searches. In this case, the content is written by experts, which will complement the information sought by children, but will be more complicated for them to understand.

    Currently,  Kiddle does not collect any type of personal information from children and their records are deleted every 24 hours.

    Second characteristic: a very visual child search engine

    The visual aspect is one of the first that babies develop. For this reason, it is not surprising that Kiddle has decided to make its search engine aimed at children as visual as possible.

    This can be verified when viewing the results that the engine offers, as a large number of results are accompanied by photographs. In this way, children  will be able to obtain the information they want in less time, without having to read a lot of content.

    Boy using Kiddle search engine to do his homework.

    Kpedia or Wikipedia aimed at children 

    This children’s search engine offers children the same filter options as Google: news, videos, images, etc. However, and as a fantastic complement to this search engine, we wanted to include a section called Kpedia.

    Kpedia is an encyclopedia with a similar appearance to Wikipedia but with content especially dedicated to children. As soon as they enter, the little ones will be able to select the theme that interests them from the list that is available.

    A great option for children

    After knowing a little more about this search engine, we assure you that it is a good use option for the little ones. The security it offers against the Google search engine is undeniable, thus leaving parents more at ease with their navigation.

    An intuitive use with a simple interface that has a robot and space as the main protagonist, make it very easy for children to handle. The only disadvantage found so far is that, at present, this browser is only in English.

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