List Of The Things That Bother Your Children The Most

As children grow, many stimuli can provoke their anger. It is understandable, considering that many are still not able to control their emotions at an early age. Find out what can make them angry most often.
List of the things that bother your children the most

A parent concerned about his children always strives to do his best while raising his little ones. Sometimes he acts without realizing that he is making small mistakes and these actions annoy children, who often do not know how to express their feelings.

The good thing is that there are always alternatives to avoid this type of situation that is so uncomfortable. Here is a list of the most common mistakes parents make, which are often things that bother their children a lot.

List of parental mistakes

Criticize your children in front of their friends

Avoid doing this at all costs. Sometimes we do not have the slightest idea of ​​the damage of our words on the child and less of how the things we say make them feel.

Children take everything very personal, do not criticize them in front of anyone and less in front of their friends, they will feel insecure in front of them. Correct it if necessary, but away from everyone.

Reveal your children’s intimate secrets to other family members

If your son was confident enough to tell you one of his secrets, do not share it with other family members, you run the risk that your son will find out about it and lose confidence in you.

And if that happens, then you will go to third parties to tell your doubts and intimacies and perhaps you will not receive the best advice in return.

Open your children’s mail

You will think that because he is a child he does not want to have his space and privacy and that he will most likely not be bothered if you take a little look at his mail, but you are wrong, of course he wants things like his mail to be respected.

He knows what privacy means, and unless you suspect he’s hiding something serious and you need to investigate, there’s nothing to justify meddling.

Ask your children to be chaperones

If you want to see the number one prize to the longest face of the day, take one of your children as a companion when it is not their will and you will see how the prize is won. Children generally do not like to go out with their parents to run errands, let’s admit that there is not much fun in doing them.

Loitering around or being too “buddy” when friends visit

The child knows when you are spying on him and he will notice it much more when you become a “partner” if you are generally not like that, the child will get nervous and anxious until you let him be and be fully with his companions. If you have things you want to know, there are better ways to find out.

Forgetting the names of your children’s friends, or mistaking one friend for another

Yes, this tends to bother children too much, they feel that they are not being paid attention, since it is most likely that they have corrected you before with the different names of their friends. And their biggest fear is that one day you will misuse one of their friends by mistaking it for another.

Enter without calling or announcing yourself in your rooms

In some homes an atmosphere of collective trust is practiced, setting rules such as that the doors of the rooms are not made secure, that is very good, but always remember to announce yourself before entering, respect their space and the confidence of having your door without insurance.

Asking your children’s friends very personal questions

Children will always respond with the truth, but that does not mean that any of these truths make them uncomfortable or sad to tell them, leave the child alone and if you need to know something, talk to the child’s representative in an age-equal language.

Ignoring your children when friends of yours come to visit

There comes a point where children get upset when their parents’ friends are coming home to visit.

They feel invisible, that they ceased to exist from that moment on. Now neither mother nor father look at the child and some take drastic measures to make themselves known by tensing the atmosphere.

Make critical comments about your musical tastes

Music is marked by ages and generations and even fashions that generally appeal to youth. If your child is one of these cases, do not criticize him, at that moment he is beginning to develop his identity and he will defend it tooth and nail even from you, even if things are as simple as music.

Complain about your children’s eating habits

If you consider that they have bad eating habits, beyond complaining, you should take action and improve the eating habits of the family in general.

Remember to preach with a good habit and giving the best of examples, yes, do not try to convert them into vegans by force, from time to time they will fall into temptations, so do not bother about that.

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