Maternity Maxims That Will Make You Smile

Motherhood is a unique experience. A melting pot of particularly funny situations that every mother can relate to.
Maternity maxims that will make you smile

Being a mother is a blessing and also a sacrifice. For this reason, in this article we want to acknowledge your dedication as a mother, making you smile by ironizing some of the maxims of motherhood with which you will feel identified.

This stage of a woman’s life requires enormous amounts of love, sacrifice, patience and perseverance for her son. Still, a melting pot of situations awaits you: endless pleasant, adorable, touching and fun moments, but also situations capable of making you green gray. We explore some of them.

Maternity maxims to remember with a smile

  • Your children, your natural alarm clock. As babies, they will wake you up crying with the same sound violence as an old alarm clock, as it is their way of expressing needs. But after a while, your awakenings will happen by force of leaps in your head, sponsored by the battle cry “I’m bored! Have you already woken up?
  • Marathons indoors. You begin to appreciate schedules as you squeeze your time trying to tend to your children, keep order in your home, and perform at work. Thus, definitely, 24 hours are scarce.
  • The house, a real trade-off. The word order becomes just a beautiful memory. So you inevitably learn to live with a certain chaos : toys and clothes out of drawers, toilet paper scattered and walls turned into sketches of rock art.
  • The moment of the meal, an unprecedented scene from a horror movie. When they are babies, we fight with breasts and bottles and then battle against their first purees and baby food. Over time, you let your imagination run wild to feed the little ones with no appetites or the “picky eaters”. In addition, our allies, fruits and vegetables, are usually bitter enemies of the boys. That is why “making friends” is the mission of each day.
  • The secret mysteries behind the word “bathroom”. One of the maxims of motherhood is related to when to go to the bathroom, be it the mother or the child. As a mother, you know that even in the bathroom you will not be alone because the little one will manage to keep you company even in those moments. Also, to get the child to put down the diapers and relieve himself, he fights with chants of encouragement.

Other situations with which you will feel identified

  • Deserving of a master’s degree in children’s songs and stories. You already master the children’s cultural palette like no one: you have a song for each moment, you know each artist and the appropriate program schedules. Ideas the funniest games and you project yourself as the best storyteller … at least for your child.                                                                    
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    • Life is a DIY. With schooling, you discover that you have skills to do certain crafts  required in school. A grenadier with a roll of toilet paper, dolls in pantyhose and many other creative inventions will surprise you.
    • In negotiating is the secret of motherhood. Before any whim or request, you will arm yourself with patience and look for the way to do what is most convenient. Even putting your little one to sleep will involve persuasion and negotiation as he keeps jumping while you fall apart and, with golden patience, slow down his revolutions.

    Maxims of a motherhood that, without a doubt, is worth it

    • Champion of wisdom to answer in the age of whys. Like Petete’s famous Fat Book, you pretend to know all the mysteries of humanity that your curious little one brings up. One of the maxims of motherhood is to answer questions that perhaps you have never even asked yourself before.
    • You become a nurse within your own home. You lose fear of common and expected behaviors in life that you previously considered unpleasant. A specialist in fevers, diarrhea, vomiting, rashes and all kinds of symptoms that you start to deal with often.
    • You become a detractor and questioner of the longed-for silence of home. A child in silence is a minor doing mischief or mischief. Although you value that moment of peace, you doubt that venerated absence of noise.
    • Sleep with yoga positions.  You sleep trying not to disturb the child, avoiding moving or in strange postures. Sometimes you rest like a ball bug in a territory dominated by the little one who, at night, becomes a scarf, hat, parental separator or your best hug.
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