Mom Doesn’t Have A Vacation

Motherhood means accepting a new life, in which children are the priority.
Mom doesn't have a vacation

A mother, once the children are born, does not have a vacation. Well, priorities in life change. So the days off from rest, from doing nothing productive, are left behind.

Becoming a mom comes with many responsibilities and obligations, and therefore means losing certain freedoms.

It can be said that assuming motherhood means losing quality of life. But, all this is compensated by the fact of feeling unconditional love for the children, enjoying seeing them grow up healthy and happy.


The responsibilities of a mother

The responsibilities of mothers are many, so many, that, most of the time, they cannot afford a vacation. Since children involve almost permanent attention.

So during the day, one is in a state of continuous activation and movement. To the point that, when family or work tasks are not being carried out, you can experience a strange feeling, of not knowing what to do. So, you try to find some way to occupy yourself with anything to distract yourself.

Obviously, the responsibilities of raising and educating children must be shared with the couple. Well, we must not forget that caring for the family is not an obligation only for mothers. 

A mother’s vacation is different

Many women tend to be tense, tired and fatigued, even during vacations. This is because, in the routine that a mother assumes during leisure time (holidays, weekends, etc.), more or less the following occurs:

  • Activities at home increase when children do not have classes.
  • One gets up just as early, out of habit or to feed the children breakfast.
  • The walks become exhausting, although the family company is valued positively.
  • Getaways and trips must be organized and planned very well, if possible, to adapt them to the needs of all family members.
Mom's vacation

Therefore, a mother, during the children’s vacation period, worries about a multitude of things. In fact, these days get longer, because you have to be aware of the little ones all the time. 

Thus, a supposedly relaxing plan, such as going to the beach, becomes a day in which you have to be alert at all times, observing that children carefully get into the water, that they do not spend much time in the sun , that they do not eat the sand, that they do not have any accidents, etc.

Ultimately, a mother’s vacation is very different from a woman without children, but they are really worth it. 

Will there ever be a vacation for mom?

Someday the time will come when the children will be autonomous and independent, when this happens, the holidays will begin for mom.  

However, a mother will never stop being one and will always be there to help and support her children in whatever they need.

Maternity is full dedication, it is a job that takes place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without holidays. But yes, well paid with the smiles, kisses and hugs of the children. Time spent with children is always, in some way, rewarded.

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