My Grandmother, The Most Beautiful Star In The Sky

The teachings of a grandmother carry with you for life. Although the melancholy of her absence hurts every day, a grandmother is an indelible mark, a hug that is not forgotten.
My grandmother, the most beautiful star in the sky

My grandmother was the best gift my mom and dad could give me. It is the most precious treasure of my childhood that I still keep in my heart today. And although I miss her at all times, I feel that she accompanies me every day with her legacies and teachings.

His heritage has been so immense in my being that I feel it present every day. Every night that I miss her, I just look at the sky. Because I know very well where to find that endearing light that illuminates my steps.

Today I look at the sky with admiration and some nostalgia. Because, between tears and melancholy, I assume that my grandmother today is the most beautiful star in the sky. The largest of all, the one that naturally stands out for its beauty.

It is there where I find the consolation of your absence, the one that hurts me so much. It is also right there where I can find the answer to all my doubts. I appreciate that same energy that points the way I must follow. Even without his physical presence, he became my role model and role model.

My grandmother, the most beautiful emotional brand

My grandmother is the most beautiful emotional mark that I will carry forever in my soul. I have each of his words and advice tattooed on my skin. I also have an anecdote full of the most beautiful moments of my life.

She is the mentor of the most beautiful and tender memories that I have from my childhood. That sweet lady with gray hair and hands corrugated by the force of time. The one with the peculiar aroma of sweet cologne, and the eternal lover of ‘relics’, always watching over the objects of decoration and trinkets.

My grandmother is that emotional mark that makes me believe in myself. His pride and admiration made him see me as an artist, always talented. Collector of drawings and letters, exclusive audience of dances and cuteness. Also full-time official storyteller and compulsive indulgence.

His arms were always available to lift me up. Over time, nothing changed, as they continued forging the most healing hugs. Tear tissues with unparalleled attentive listening. A kiss given on time, the softest caress; a memory in love that at no point wants to leave.

My grandmother, the star that will never die, will become invisible to rest

My grandmother is a star. Although I may not see it at times, I know it will always be there. She will never die in my heart, for she has the gift of eternal immortality. It may just make itself invisible so that it can rest.

My grandmother was that heroine with white hair during my childhood. The one who taught me about the confidentiality of our secrets and the value of the smile of a loved one. She was devotion and affection in its purest form; an overflowing, unlimited and infinite love. Simply indescribable.

Afternoons of games, songs and stories. Smell of cakes and various delicacies that crowned each special snack. All whims that have been and have been fulfilled. Many teachings of an emotional nature thanks to his inexhaustible wisdom and life experience.

You will always live in me

She is still here today, illuminating my destiny, guiding my steps. From heaven . And what difference does it make about the distance, if you have the gift of always being by my side. Accompanying and supporting, as always. And what difference does it make not to be able to touch you, if I know that I still count on you thanks to the great inheritance you left me after your departure.

Shine as only you know how to do it, my beautiful granny. I will always look up hoping to see you, to continue loving you. To feel that you have never physically left this world. To know that you are still here. Because you could not leave with the memory.

They say that one is not where the body is, but where it is most missed. Right here you are missed too much. My grandmother of my heart, you remain alive in this heart that does not stop loving you and crying for you. However, fight every day so that your essence does not disappear. You stay with me, forever.

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