My Son Doesn’t Like To Share, What Do I Do?

My son does not like to share, what do I do?

Sharing toys or a bite of bread can be the beginning of a life full of goodness. Everything is in that the family learns to take advantage of these first signs to educate the child in the healthy tradition of sharing. Undoubtedly, a child who knows how to lend his things has a greater chance of establishing good social relationships with other children and making friends.

What is sharing?

Sharing is the quality that is characterized by the simultaneous enjoyment of a good, a service, a feeling, attention or a specific person.

Everything you own is shareable. We are sharing our car when we offer to take someone else, we lend a casserole to a neighbor, we give our table chair to a stranger when we are in a crowded cafeteria and there is nowhere else to sit.

Mom’s kisses are also shared when they are distributed among all the brothers at the same time, and daddy’s free time when he has time to play carts with the little one in the house and then, balls, with his brother. larger.

Children who do not know or do not want to share

There are children who do not know how to share because they have not been taught. Only children, especially, tend to do so.

There are also lesser ones to whom the importance of sharing with others is instilled and, nevertheless, they frown and hide when they are asked to take out their toys so that their friends can play with them.

But children, even the smallest ones, have to respect their feelings, criteria and decisions they make.

If a child does not want to share their colors, adults should not force it. Otherwise, it would be like someone forcing Mom to lend her underwear or the precious ring Dad gave her on her wedding day.

If adults find it difficult to lend their car or home to third parties, why does the child have to lend their dolls?

Even though the comparison may be scandalous, it must be borne in mind that a toy for a child is worth as much or more than one of the most precious material goods of an adult.

Tips for the child to learn to share

Mom, if your child does not want to share his toys at a certain time, we repeat it, you should not force it. In this, education must be preventive.

Although the training does not guarantee the expected result either, because even when you educate him in that sense, your child will share his cookies with whoever he wants and at the time he wants, there are ways to make him show less averse to the gesture of to share.

Among them, we recommend:

Share with him and tell him that what you do is share

The child must perceive firsthand how good he feels when you offer him your belongings and let him manipulate and do them on his own.

Let’s say, for example, that tonight you can allow your daughter to play with your purse for a while so that she takes out all the objects inside, puts your crayon on her lips, looks in your mirror, picks up the pens and scribbles for a while. while without you getting upset

Let the family be your school

In addition to sharing with him, the other members of the family have to share with each other, lend each other things and be happy to do so.

Family play can also help a child know what it is to share.

Let’s say that everyone starts coloring: Daddy with watercolors, Mommy with crayons, and the boy with colors. But the “artists” can exchange their materials to make the drawings much more beautiful. Mommy will lend Daddy her green crayon so he can paint the grass, the boy will let Mommy take her blue pencil to draw the sky… and so on.

Take advantage of neighbors and friends to learn to share with third parties

Neighbors and friends can help a lot in the teaching you give your child.

For example, in addition to giving your help when a friend needs it (because help is also given), you can ask your child to help you make a dessert with the aim of giving it to a neighbor. It does not matter if there is no reason for it.

In this way your child will have the opportunity to perceive the gratitude of others towards him whenever he shares something.

Siblings and cousins ​​are ideal for teaching a child to share

There was a time when, if a candy came home, that candy, no matter how small, was fragmented to be distributed among the children.

Although today’s economic situation, luckily, has changed a lot, that can be an excellent example in which to lean on to exercise a child in the healthy gesture of sharing.

Mom and Dad must ensure that everything in the house, including hugs, is shared equally among all the children.

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