Positions To Give Birth

If you are doubting which is the best position to give birth, in the following article we present some of them. Take note!
Postures to give birth

There are many women who have doubts about the ideal position when it comes time to give birth. Hence, we wanted to dedicate this article to this topic. Take note!

Certainly, the correct position to give birth to your little one will be the one that makes you feel most comfortable. Increasingly, new birthing positions appear that are more comfortable and better adapted to the different phases of labor.

The choice of positions is essential for the mother’s comfort, speed and increase the progression of labor. Among other things, when you are in a good position to deliver and regulate your breathing, labor creates less stress . However, it should be noted that each woman is different and that the choice of delivery position is specific to each woman.

The best postures to give birth

Below, we have prepared a list of what we consider to be the best positions for giving birth:

There is no scientific evidence to confirm the extent to which the moon influences childbirth.

1. Standing

The first of the postures to give birth that we present to you is standing. Contrary to many beliefs, it is possible to give birth standing up. And it seems that the verticality of this position allows to shorten the duration of labor.

However, you cannot benefit from monitoring while standing, which is very reassuring for the permanent monitoring of the baby’s heart rate. Do not forget that when you are standing you walk, you move and you balance. These are all movements that relax and promote the production of endorphins, which counteract pain.

2. Lying on your side

Second, we present you with a much more pleasant and relaxing position for the expectant mother. It would allow the mother to suffer less and bear the pain of labor better. Even in this position the father can help with gentle massages.

The procedure is quite simple: the left thigh on which the body rests is extended, while the right is bent and raised so as not to compress the belly. The delivery supported on one of the sides of the body allows the team a good control of the perineum and the baby. Don’t hesitate to try this position early in labor!

3. On his knees and on all fours

This position can significantly reduce pain, because the uterus does not support the sacrum. If you have back or kidney pain, this is the ideal position for you. We recommend supporting your weight on your forearms during labor or leaning over.

4. From the back

Delivering on the back allows easy access to the perineum, making it possible to continuously monitor the baby’s heart rate. In fact, it is considered a position that you should adopt at the slightest sign of the baby’s distress, as well as being very appropriate and effective at the time of expulsion. Of course, it is not one of the most comfortable positions and you can feel pain in the kidneys.

5. Squat

Thanks to this last position, you can ease your back taking advantage of gravity. This also helps the baby lower into the pelvis, as it gives the baby more space and offers easier rotations. It is useful to open the pelvis and allow the baby to find the optimal position for delivery. Unfortunately, this position is strenuous because it requires great muscular strength to stay in an optimal position.

Giving birth is one of the phases of labor.

Before concluding, remember that not all hospitals allow all these positions to be adopted and not all gynecologists practice them. Therefore, you should have a moment to talk with the midwife and choose the position with which you think you will feel most comfortable. Now that you know a few more poses, it may be time to choose your favorite. What are you waiting for? Lucky!

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