Reaching The Moon Through Children’s Stories

There are many children who before going to bed look out the window and say good night to the Moon. This satellite is one of those that most attracts the attention of children.
Reaching the Moon through children's stories

The Moon, that significant element in the sky that indicates the arrival of night, is one of the favorites of the little ones. The different shapes that it can acquire throughout the days, its bright light or the incredible height it is at are some of the aspects that most attract the attention of children.

For this reason, today we bring you a magnificent selection of books about the Moon that the little ones in the house will love for everything they will discover in them.

1. What does the Moon taste like?

This title has all the necessary ingredients to become one of the children’s favorite books. In the first place, and already in its title, the Kalandraka publishing house tells us the plot of the story: discover the taste of the Moon.

And it is that not only children or even people are struck by that satellite so high and so bright in the dark night, but also animals. For this reason, and secondly, some animals will be the protagonists of this fantastic story with one final goal: to know the taste of the Moon.

One of the best illustrated books of this publisher recommended for children from three years old that will delight the little ones by gathering on its pages several of their favorite things.

Reach the moon through children's stories.

2. The great book of the Moon

National Geographic has a collection of books for children called National Geographic Kids.  Among the titles in this collection is this fantastic book dedicated to the Moon.

An informative book to satisfy the curiosities of the smallest of the house and their disturbing questions about this satellite. Its craters, its eclipses or the history of the astronauts who have reached it are some of the most relevant data that this guide shows about the Moon.

3. Tales to read in the dark: the Moon

Getting the child’s attention is one of the first goals that a children’s book should have. And, in this case, with the collection of stories to read in the dark, and more specifically this one dedicated to the Moon, we believe that the Anaya publishing house has succeeded.

It is a totally different book from the ones we have included so far since,  to discover its illustrations, the pages must be placed under the light through a flashlight or a lamp. In addition to this very different way of knowing the illustrations in the book, the accompanying text includes popular songs and well-known poems about the Moon.

This text has a very simple poetic structure recommended for children between three and six years old that can also be used as a book before going to sleep.

4. When we walked on the moon

One of the topics related to the Moon is the astronauts, those men who have come to step on this satellite that they like so much. For this reason, this is a recommended book for children from ten years old,  for those dreamers who want to set foot on the Moon, knowing beforehand the experience of those who have already been in it.

Reach the moon through children's stories.

A fantastic book to know first-hand and with many relevant data the stories of the trips to the Moon. The text, accompanied by very realistic illustrations, will allow everyone who reads it (adults or children) to put themselves in a situation and enjoy the adventure as if they were part of the expedition.

5. The Moon does not work

As we have said before, many children before going to bed every night love to enjoy the moon through their bedroom window. And this is what happens to Noah, the girl protagonist of the story.

But when Noah gets up one morning, the Moon is gone. From that moment on, the little girl and her incredible imagination will devise a large number of actions to find her: look for her in case she has fallen, turn her on in case she is off, create a spaceship to be illuminated … However, none of these Actions make the Moon appear and when night comes, it still does not appear. Or if?

With a simple and large text, as well as super beautiful illustrations  thanks to its colors, La Luna does not work will make both adults and children laugh.

Travel as the theme of children's books

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