Side Effects Of Vaccines In Babies

Vaccines in babies are necessary to protect their health and prevent them from contracting different diseases in the future. However, vaccination sometimes causes side effects, which can be avoided or, at least, treated.
Side Effects of Vaccines in Babies

The topic of vaccinations in babies has always been a matter of discussion. Although most specialists recommend their use, there are social groups that reject them. Knowing the side effects of vaccines is important information for parents to make the decision about their placement.

Vaccines were designed to prevent disease. The controversy around them is generated because most are created from the virus that infects the condition. However, its use has shown a decrease in many diseases that were long deadly.

From newborns, it is important to protect the health of children. Vaccines fulfill this function in diseases that can be fatal, since they prevent some contagion at an early age. For this reason, vaccination control is important at each visit to the pediatrician.

Vaccine control

An important part of the pediatricians’ medical consultation is to validate that the baby is up to date on his vaccinations. Its placement is according to the age and development of the baby. In some cases, there are vaccines that need more than one dose as part of the booster.

The basic vaccines that every baby should have  prevent seven childhood diseases, which are:

  • Diphtheria
  • Tetanus
  • Whooping cough
  • Hepatitis B
  • Poliomyelitis
  • Hib and pneumococcal disease

The latter are responsible for bacterial and viral meningitis, respectively.

From the second month of life, all vaccines are given; The reinforcements are placed every two to four months, depending on the indications. In the case of the DTap (Diphtheria / Tetanus / Pertussis) and Poliomyelitis vaccines, they are reinforced up to four or six years.

What are the side effects of vaccines in babies?

Vaccines do not always cause some kind of reaction in babies. In many cases, it all depends on the child’s immune system and their tolerance to vaccines. The effects can be classified into mild, moderate and complex.

The most common reactions are fever, swelling or pain where the vaccine was given, and irritability. Some children also have a loss of appetite; in these cases, considered mild effects, the treatment is based on antipyretics.

Vaccination is the best way to prevent measles.

Moderate reactions can present fevers equal to or greater than 40 ° C. In addition, they can last for more than five days, with the presence of continuous crying for three hours or more. As part of the side effects of more complex vaccines, there may be seizures or loss of consciousness.

How to counteract the side effects of vaccines?

In the event of any unexpected reaction after a vaccine, it is advisable to consult a specialist. However, there are common treatments that can help minimize the basic effects.

  • In case of fever. For mild fever or discomfort, home care such as wet wipes can be applied to the forehead. Also bathe the baby body temperature decreases.

If the fever is high, the treatment indicated by the doctor should be applied, most of the time it is treated with an antipyretic. Some doctors recommend giving a dose of this drug preventively  even if there is no fever.

Infections, pain, discomfort

  • In case of swelling or infection. It usually happens that the area where the vaccine was applied becomes red; in these cases, a cold water compress can be applied to minimize discomfort.

    If there is a lump or swelling, it should not be touched. It will go away on its own. In case of an abscess, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

    • In case of pain or discomfort. Usually the arm or leg where the vaccine was given is slightly sore, causing irritation or moodiness in children. It is advisable to put the baby to rest and avoid touching the area of ​​pain.
    The side effects of vaccines can be mild, moderate, or complex.

    When any of the reactions considered serious or complex originate , it is necessary to request help immediately. Prompt attention of the child to any symptoms or emergency guarantees their progress.

     Recommendations on vaccination

    • Only specialists. The vaccines must be provided under strict supervision of the specialist doctor, as well as it must be guaranteed that they have been manufactured by an authorized laboratory. Similarly, you must take care of hygienic measures during dosage.
    • Medical indication. Pediatricians are the only ones who should indicate when it is time to vaccinate a baby. Some children do not meet all the conditions to be vaccinated, either because of their characteristics or because they have a temporary disease.

    With all this information, you will surely be able to form an opinion about the subject. The more you know, the more tools you will have to decide what is best for your child. Also, of course, it is always good to have the opinion of a professional.

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