Stages Of Recovery From A Divorce

If you just got divorced, don’t miss these key stages of recovery from this process in your life.
Stages of recovery from a divorce

The stages of divorce are also known as the stages of grief. Until it passes, the pain ends and you can return to normal. In reality, recovery from a divorce does not follow a straight line, but depends on the person to make progress or setbacks. It is usually visceral pain from broken heart syndrome after divorce. Therefore, Next, we are going to tell you about the different stages.

Stages of recovery from a divorce

When we talk about the stages of recovery from a divorce, these are usually 5.

Stage 1: surprise and devastation at the divorce

In this first stage there is surprise at the situation and devastation because what had begun to be built with another person is finished. It does not matter what are the causes that cause the divorce, because there will always be a moment of devastation that you have to know how to wait to be able to face.

Father hugging his daughter after signing the divorce and beginning the stages of recovery.

Stage 2: intense sadness, anger and anxiety

If anything, separation and divorce are overwhelming and exhausting. You don’t sleep well, you don’t feel like eating anything, and during this divorce fog, you are faced with hundreds of decisions that you must make that will determine your future.

During the divorce process, your life changes dramatically and immediately. Divorce changes happen so quickly that it is difficult to process everything. All of that happens while expending a lot of energy just to keep yourself cool from morning to night.

So despite the exhaustion and overwhelming description of how you feel during the divorce, you are likely dealing with more intense emotions. Sadness and pain usually come first. The desperation of divorce is overwhelming.

Next, in the so-called steps of divorce recovery, anger comes with a vengeance. And it’s usually not a normal everyday irritation or aggravation. It could be rage.

Stage 3: dealing with the reality of divorce for recovery

After the anger and despair subsides a bit, you have to do the hard work to face the fact that the divorce is really happening. Being divorced will be your new reality, even if you don’t understand it very well.

You may feel scared because you don’t know how to control things on your own, your life, and all your responsibilities. Stay with the people who love you and support you because they will help you to be better.

Stage 4: adjusting to being single after divorce

After you’ve done some of the basics for accepting that you are officially divorced, you have to adjust to being single again. One step that helps in that adjustment after divorce is figuring out how you are going to talk about it.

When we meet friends at the post office or grocery store, think about what you are going to say when they ask, “How are you doing?”  Or  “What happened?”  You will have the opportunity to say something that leaves them knowing that you are a good and kind person.

Woman with her ring in hand after divorce.

Most of the time, one of the steps to recovery from divorce is that we have to move or change our housing. You may have to look for a home that is smaller and more affordable for your pocket, but, in this sense, you must remember that home is and will always be where you are, wherever it may be.

We also have to find out who we want in our life now and who we should let go of. Hit the pause button on friends and family who keep you stuck. Relationships take time and energy, and we have to choose to be around people who help us move forward.

Keep in mind that we often have to take the initiative to meet with the people we care about. People don’t know what to do with us. One of our steps in recovering from divorce is learning to honestly tell friends and family what we need.

Stage 5: find new optimism

Even as we are adjusting to being single, which may take longer than we want to, we begin to glimpse a new sense of well-being and optimism. Talk about yourself as single and not divorced. This small change in your thinking will make you feel more positivity and more hope.

You will feel more confident in your ability not only to survive after the divorce, but to create a life that is good, fulfilling, and fun. Although anger and sadness still appear often, they are less intense.

About the stages of recovery from a divorce

Part of this divorce recovery journey is that we learn that we are in charge of our life and that we can make it as wonderful or miserable as we choose.

Our future is our choice, and when we realize that fact in real life after divorce, we know that our life can be good again because we can do it right.

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