Teach Your Daughter To Live Naturally

Teach your daughter to live naturally

Because of social media, today’s girls are overexposed to advertising. Many of these advertisements have to do with the use of beauty supplies. Therefore, living naturally has become unpopular with girls.

Today it is common to see girls star in tutorials on beauty tips. On screen you see young people between the ages of 8 and 12 applying excessive makeup and even giving advice on how to treat their body imperfections. This trend has caused young women to live their childhood faster.

Living naturally is the challenge parents face. Teach their daughters the importance of the innate beauty of each one and also the importance of acceptance and self-love.

Live naturally

In the process of teaching children to live naturally, the lesson must start from home. In the first place by reinforcing the safety and self-esteem of children.

Self love

The basis of naturalness is learning to love yourself as you are. To do this, you have to avoid comparisons and stereotypes. It is common for girls to seek to imitate their idols. The problem is that in most cases, they are older. Therefore, it is important to remind them that each circumstance has its time.

Teaching your daughter to live naturally is one of the missions of every mother.

Also, we must teach them that not all people are the same. The trend indicates that girls try to look and look the same as their idols because they believe that their naturalness is not attractive to others. Which is completely wrong.

The inner beauty

Not all that glitters is gold. The true beauty of an individual lies in his personality. It is relevant to instill this way of thinking in girls to reinforce their authenticity. A solid personality can withstand social pressure. Girls mistakenly believe that by looking older they will become popular. In some cases, this may be the case. However, they expose themselves to many dangers by appearing to be an age other than their own.

Ability and personal achievements are not only associated with external beauty. It is the competences and capacities of people that lead them to achieve their goals. Building confidence in girls will make them capable women. Living naturally means embracing qualities and defects and knowing how to take advantage of both when necessary.

What are the correct ages?

Some specialists suggest that the right age to start putting on makeup is when the circle of friends begins to do it. However, given the precociousness of today’s adolescents, it is important that the parents’ criteria prevail.

  • When girls show interest in grooming, the mother should act as a role model. The family should be the best example for the children. Saying one thing and doing the opposite only causes us to send contradictory messages to the little ones. This will make it easier to set limits.
  • Some parents allow their daughters to use makeup at home. This can foster a child’s curiosity and concern about making this a habit.
  • Ideally, these decisions should be accompanied by explanations. Making it understood that everything has its time and its moment according to the ages is the best way for your daughter not to challenge you.
  • A common mistake is to prohibit action at all costs. When a child is forbidden to do something, his immediate reaction is to do exactly what he has been forbidden to do.
Adolescence is always a difficult time for parents and children.

Recommendations for parents

Set an example

First of all, parents must set a good example. Some mothers find it fun to take their young daughters to the salon, let them paint their nails, or walk around the house in heels.

Unintentionally, this arouses curiosity in the girl. As time goes on, girls will want to try new things, which will make it difficult to establish clear limits.

Keep communication

During pre-adolescence, it is important to maintain good communication with your children. In the case of girls, attending to their curiosities is vital. We must establish spaces in which there is trust to talk about their interests and where parents can also raise their position and the rules of coexistence.

If the family does not provide these openings, the girl will most likely seek them outside the home.

Above all, parents must know that the rules and advice they give their daughters must be the best for them. In addition, they should pay attention not to send mixed messages and try to follow their own guidelines.

Mothers and daughters: a unique, special bond

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