Techniques To Educate Children According To Their Age

These techniques will help you educate children according to their age and characteristics. A 2-year-old child is not the same as a 12-year-old; the consequences of your actions will be different.
Techniques to educate children according to their age

It is important to educate children according to their age. Youngsters have to learn that all their actions have consequences and, depending on what they have done, the consequences may not be pleasant.

We must always bear in mind that punishment is the last thing we must apply to the disobedience or defiant attitude of children. In addition, we do not have to respond the same if the fault was committed by a small child or an older one. Therefore, below, we propose some techniques to educate and apply discipline according to the age of the child.

Educating children according to their age: how and when to do it?

Parents want our children to respect the rules and limits that we have established and, in view of this, what we must do is reinforce all the appropriate behaviors that children have, whenever possible.

Mother scolding her daughter using the techniques to educate children according to their age.

Sometimes we have to teach the little ones that some of their actions have consequences that may not be pleasant for them. For that, we will use punishments in a timely manner. All this we must do in a rational way and taking into account the following:

  • When we apply punishment, children have to understand why, so that they understand that when they have certain behaviors, there will be established consequences.
  • It never has to hurt your self-esteem. We should not use discipline as a way to make the child feel bad, but as a consequence of a certain negative action.
  • We have to see the punishment as if it were a deal ; what should they do to get something and what not to do if they do not want to have the negative consequences.

    Techniques to educate children according to their age

    In the education of children, the fundamental key is communication and positive discipline, but when faced with certain behaviors, it is necessary to discipline so that they understand the difference between behaving well and behaving badly. Therefore, when educating, it is important to take into account the age of the child.

    Children from 2 to 5 years

    In the childhood stage, it is important that we apply the correction or punishment immediately after the misbehavior occurs, so that the child relates his action with the consequence he has obtained.


    We will use this technique from the age of 3, which is when we can apply the consequences based on reinforcement. It can be very effective in correcting certain behaviors that we have not succeeded in stopping with other techniques.

    Speak with a firm and energetic tone, one of the techniques to educate children

    Young children are very sensitive to the tone of voice with which we speak to them. For this reason, when they do something wrong, we should address them with a serious facial expression and a firm tone. Thus, we will be indicating that they have not acted correctly. This technique should be used sparingly; we are not going to get serious all day.

    Withdraw privileges

    At these ages, if they misbehave, taking away their favorite toy will be a punishment so that they realize the consequences of their bad behavior.

    Time out

    This technique is effective against aggressive and disobedient behaviors. They consist of removing the child from the place where he has done the wrongdoing. Thus, we give him time to calm down outside the place where it happened.

    We must take into account the age of the child for the time out that must be applied. The children will be in time out according to 1 min per year. We have to be respectful with this and not leave them longer than stipulated.

    Mother using the 3 wake-up call technique with her daughter to make her heed.

    Children from 5 to 12 years old

    The little ones of these ages are already more aware of their actions. Here we can keep the overcorrection to set limits and the withdrawal of privileges, such as:

    • Not watching favorite pictures on television.
    • Not being able to use the tablet .
    • Continue to keep the time out, since we can use it up to 10 years.

    From 12 years

    In adolescence it is necessary to withdraw privileges after bad behavior, but this withdrawal will go according to age. Some privileges that we can withdraw are the following:

    • The use of the mobile.
    • They cannot go out on the weekend with their friends.
    • We will limit the use of their social networks.

    Ultimately, these techniques can help us educate children according to their age. When applying discipline, we must always bear in mind that the consequences have to be consistent, balanced and exceptional. If you have difficulties with certain behaviors of your child, apply these techniques, they may be able to help you.

    Educate from the eyes of a child

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