Tetanalgesia: What Does It Consist Of?

The so-called tetanalgesia is the ability of breastfeeding to heal wounds, reduce pain and give the baby all the comfort it needs. Many pediatricians recommend it during a vaccine, treatment, or traumatic time.
Tetanalgesia: what does it consist of?

Not only the name is curious, but also the effect it offers. Tetanalgesia is a term used in recent times to define that ‘remedy’ for any evil that is breastfeeding our baby.

What is tetanalgesia?

Those women who are breastfeeding should know that there is what is (currently) known as ‘tetanalgesia’. It is not an invention or anything like that … Breastfeeding is something magical!

During the first year of life, children depend 100% on their mothers and there are many who have realized that,  when they breastfeed, it seems that all problems are over. And we are not referring only to crying when they are hungry, but also to physical pain.


Many women choose to breastfeed their babies in order to calm them when they cry desperately and to avoid being “singled out” at the doctor’s office, on the bus, or at a family gathering.

But what they do not know is that, through this act of love, in addition to feeding him, they are calming his pain, his fears and his traumas. That’s what tetanalgesia is all about. This term, then, is used to refer to the analgesic properties that breastfeeding has, due to the calming effect that babies suck on the breast (that is why they also calm down when they have a pacifier or a bottle).

Many pediatricians defend this concept and recommend it to mothers, especially first-time mothers, because it gives very good results. When they are in pain, fear, or stress, the best remedy for a baby is to breastfeed.

The term tetanalgesia was coined by two pediatricians from a Madrid health center and derives from the words “teta” and “analgesic”, alluding to the healing power of breastfeeding. Young children are protected by the embrace of their mothers, of that there is no doubt, but they also feel calm and reduce pain when they are sucking on the breast.

Tetanalgesia helps calm the baby.

When they suck, children release endorphins, related to well-being and a sense of tranquility. In addition, breast milk increases the production of these hormones and, together with the satiety of the appetite, they are much more comfortable.

Tetanalgesia to calm the baby

For example, if you have to take your baby to the pediatrician for a vaccination, the best way to avoid crying when he receives the puncture is to breastfeed him at that time. This way, you will hardly be aware of what is happening around you.

And, if by that time he has already eaten or does not feel like feeding, you can “simply” hug him and leave him on your lap, practicing what is known as ‘mother analgesia’. Because there is no more effective medicine than a hug and pampering from mom! When leaving the consultation, you can calm him down by breastfeeding him. It seems like something magical, but it is not.

In this way, the experience of vaccination, a medical examination, a blood draw or a disease will be less traumatic, less painful and more enjoyable even by parents.

Although some mothers choose songs, toys or videos on their mobile when entering the pediatrician’s office, it is proven that the best way for the baby not to cry, or to cry less intensely, is by giving them the chest.

Tetanalgesia to calm the baby.

In the case of those children who do not even allow themselves to be examined by the professional, tetanalgesia can also be a good technique, since they will be busy in other tasks that at the same time represent tranquility and a feeling of protection when being in the arms of his mother.


Tetanalgesia reminds us that breastfeeding is not only a natural practice but also beneficial at all times. It can soothe the baby’s pain, fear, or anxiety and cause the mother to put aside nerves, stress, or concern for the well-being of her child as well.

It does not matter if other mothers, family members or friends say that you are getting used to the breast badly and that this way it will be more difficult to stop breastfeeding. Think about the benefits that this act has on your baby and how happy he will be in his first months of life.

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