The 8 Best Phrases To Educate With Love

Positive reinforcement excludes any type of aggressive vocabulary, behavior, or relationships.
The 8 best phrases to educate with love

Affectivity is an integral and fundamental part of a healthy and positive education for our children. Recognizing their daily efforts and achievements is essential to encourage their physical, intellectual and emotional development. Therefore, today we summarize the 8 best phrases to educate with love.

Educating with love: the importance of positive reinforcement 

Raising a child is a beautiful task, but very challenging at the same time. Being a parent or educator requires patience, dedication, and skills. But using positive reinforcement techniques correctly, it is possible to stimulate the learning of our little ones.

The positive reinforcement can be applied daily to optimize the education of children. And not just when it comes to academic or school knowledge. It is also usually very effective in stimulating daily hygiene habits and participation in small household tasks.

Its concept is based on rewarding, praising, and positively acknowledging desired attitudes, thoughts, and behaviors. This allows the child to more easily assimilate the family, cultural and social codes of our world. In addition, it stimulates their creativity, willingness to learn and strengthens their self-esteem.

Love is the best positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement does not necessarily have to be a toy, candy, or other material good. In fact, displays of affection, words of affection, and gestures of love are the best rewards for a child. Mainly if they come from their parents, relatives and teachers.

On the contrary, physical and emotional abuse are always counterproductive to education. Children exposed to violent environments often develop behavior disorders, learning and socialization difficulties.

Joy is necessary to educate with love.

The 8 best phrases to educate with love 

We have to understand, first of all, that children learn by watching us. That is, they build their own personality and base their behaviors on the examples shown by the adults in their environment.

Many children receive a dysfunctional upbringing, with poor affectivity and absent values. And this creates a huge void that is very difficult to overcome in adult life.

For this reason, it is important to become your own example of what you expect from your son, grandson, nephew or student. And an excellent idea to start is to tell them the best phrases to educate with love on a daily basis .

I love you

It is the simplest phrase and the truest declaration of love that a child can receive. It also helps adults to remember the importance of being honest with their own feelings.

You are so handsome

A child must feel secure with his physical appearance in order to develop healthily and not create complexes. Praising him daily and encouraging him to take care of himself are great for building his self-esteem.

I trust you

Children who develop fear of disappointing their parents and failing are insecure and often have learning and socializing problems. It is very important that the child understands that he has our support and confidence to express himself and discover new experiences.

How did it go?

Showing interest and empathy makes the child integrate, want to participate and contribute to the family environment.

Verbalizing affection is ideal to educate with love.

I love your company

Setting aside time for your child and enjoying their company is essential for a healthy family life. And of course, it is essential to show how much you appreciate being with him.

We make food together

Gradually integrating the child into household chores is part of educating with love and positive values. This will teach you to share, assume responsibilities and work as a team to achieve a better result. It is also a good opportunity to teach him about food and encourage healthier eating.

Do we brush our teeth together?

We have already seen the importance of encouraging healthy habits, such as personal hygiene and home care. A good way to teach your little one to brush their teeth properly is to share this moment with them.

Please and thank you.

The words and gestures of polite manners and respectful behavior should be learned at home. Therefore, they have to be present in the child’s day-to-day life and be encouraged by the closest adults. It is important not to forget that we are the mirrors of our children, grandchildren, and students.

To educate with love we do not need to impose a routine of expressions of affection or condition ourselves, everything is about not delaying or hiding expressions, gestures and the best of ourselves.

After all, to educate with love the magic ingredient is found in spontaneity.

Let the "I love you" win over the "don't yell", "don't do", "don't touch

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