The Baby’s First Three Years Are Key To Its Future

The first three years (1000 days) are key to the later development of children. Therefore, it is very important that we provide them with the love and attention they need.
The baby's first three years are key to its future

The baby’s first three years are key to its future; The experiences lived during that time will be vital for its later development. You will surely remember those exhausting first days after childbirth, not only because of the fatigue after this precious moment, but because of everything that the arrival of a baby in your lives implies.

The first months you give yourself to the care of your little one; You feed him every time he is hungry, you take care of him, you caress him, you are aware of him all the timeā€¦, even if all this means going with scary dark circles.

But this delivery is instinctive (nature is very wise) and it is known how important those first days are for the baby. Those first three years (approximately 1000 days) are crucial for your future. You want to know why? Keep reading.

Why are your baby’s first three years so important to his future?

There are studies collected by UNICEF that provide important data on all this. The first three years are decisive and will mark the child’s future forever.

Mom playing with her babies because she knows that the first years of the baby are key to their future.

During these early years, the mental abilities that they will have as adults are formed. From the age of 3, it can be said that the little one stops being a baby and ascends to a higher level of development, growth and maturation.

The development of these first three years has repercussions above all at the cognitive level and personal and affective development. What are the most important areas for your development during all this time? Let’s see them.

Your baby’s first three years are key to his future: most important areas of development

Throughout these first 3 years of the child’s life, the development of various areas becomes important. Let’s see what they are.

Language development

During the first years of life is when we assimilate and decode language. Now think: do you think you can learn a language perfectly in just three years? It’s complicated, isn’t it? Well, a baby is capable of learning, not just one language, but several at the same time; these are bilingual children.

During these years, it is easier to learn them, since they are constantly listening to two or more languages, which encourages them to acquire them. All this is possible if parents talk to them a lot and see the movements of our mouth and lips when we speak so that they learn how to articulate words.

Around 6 months, the baby knows many words and will begin to repeat individual syllables to later gradually increase his vocabulary. At 3 years old, he will already be able to have conversations with adults, although his language continues to improve until he is about 6-7 years old.

Development of social and communication skills

It is important that, from a young age, we stimulate their social skills, and the only way to do this is by interacting with other people. They learn by living and interacting with others during their first years of life, and this will give them the tools and resources necessary for their later future relationships.

Cognitive development

The brain doubles in size during these first three years. It is when more activity and brain development will be in life. They begin to know and relate the first most basic concepts. In addition to a healthy diet, all the experiences you live during this stage will also play a role in your development.

Emotional development

Correct emotional health in the baby will depend on having a good and close family bond with his environment. This will help the little one develop a strong personality, confidence, and good self-esteem. The personality begins its development during these first three years.

Little girl learning to crawl on the floor.

A baby begins to know who he is and how important he is to others thanks to the bond with his parents. The UNICEF study attaches great importance to the development of the affective bond; the more affection a child receives, the less problems he will have when he grows up. This will be key to the further development of all your skills.

Motor development

During this stage many motor achievements are achieved. They begin to hold the head in the first months, they pay attention to objects, move arms and legs, turn around, coordinate arms, legs and hands to crawl and then stand up, until they begin to walk. There are many motor milestones that they achieve in these first 1000 days.

On the first three years of the baby keys for its future.

The baby’s first three years are key to its future. You have already seen the importance of the development of the different areas during this stage and the important role that affection and love play for a good emotional development of the little ones.

An unstructured family in which love is not given, can cause serious behavioral and health problems, therefore,  providing love will be a staple during all this time and throughout life.

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