The Great Book Of Superpowers

A fantastic book full of values, emotions, powers and illustrations that will make it one of the favorite books for the little ones and not so little ones.
The Great Book of Superpowers

Susana Isern, one of the most prominent authors in the world of children’s literature, as well as Rocío Bonilla in the world of children’s illustrations, have joined in this fantastic book that is a delight for both adults and children. For this reason, below we will tell you a little more about The Great Book of Superpowers so that both at home and in the classroom you can use it as a tool with the little ones.

Find out more about The Big Book of Superpowers

Before your eyes you will have a magnificent illustrated album published in 2017 by one of the publishers specializing in children’s and youth literature such as Flamboyant.

Although at first glance it may seem like a book that tells a single story, once children immerse themselves in its pages, they will discover that there are several stories that are included in it, each independent of the previous one.

As the title of the book indicates, the little ones will discover different powers with which they themselves can feel identified, since we are not talking about superhero powers, but about powers that any child can have. In this way, the little ones will feel special when discovering how they too can have superpowers.

Girl reading in bed The Great Books of Superpowers.

Structure of the book

The structure of the double pages is repeated throughout the book. In a large-format book in which we find a small text on the left. In it, the protagonist of the superpower is presented and, then, the special ability he has. Finally, and as the final sentence of the text, the definition of the character’s superpower is included.

On the right side, sometimes even going over to the left side, a beautiful illustration that conveys everything that has been told in words in the text shows the protagonist or the protagonist, as well as something related to their superpower.

Who are the recipients of this book?

Although it is recommended for children from four or five years old, it can also be used with slightly younger children for all that its illustrations convey, as well as with older children for the amount of values ​​that its pages show.

An ideal book for the little ones to begin to believe more in themselves, in their abilities and in their possibilities. An ideal tool with which to work in the classroom to improve the emotions of the little ones.

Values ​​transmitted by The Big Book of Superpowers

As we indicated at the beginning, what makes this book special are two fundamental aspects:

Girl reading and thinking about The Big Book of Superpowers.
  • The humanization of values, since Susana Isern refers to capacities that we all have.
  • The transmission of these through the text and the wonderful illustrations.

18 are the powers that, from the pages of this book, you can discover together with children. But the thing does not end there because each of these powers is loaded with emotions and more values for children’s learning.

One of the most suitable books to work on intelligence and emotional education with superpowers such as dance, the gift of telling stories, reading, optimism or perseverance, among many others. In addition, and due to the structure that the book contains, numerous activities can be carried out with it once the reading is finished.

The most important of all, and which is included in a small test at the end of the book, is that children know how to choose one, two or the superpowers that are included and that they think they have.

A positive way to encourage them, to grow their self-esteem and their personal value, as well as their virtues through the pages of this fantastic book. And it is that another of the messages that is wanted to show is that the abilities of each one, far from distancing us or appearing strange, should serve as a source of enrichment and as unique people.

100 in total, learning and fun in the same book

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