The Important Role Played By Children’s Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is vital for the recovery of many conditions that affect the smallest of the house. Find out what it is and how to know if your children need help.
The important role of child physiotherapy

Child or pediatric physiotherapy is a very useful tool when it comes to treating and correcting certain difficulties in the child’s motor development, whether they are congenital or acquired. Thus, the physiotherapist will take care of the children from the moment of their birth until they are 2 years of age.

According to experts, physiotherapy is suitable for the treatment of certain neurological pathologies, such as infantile cerebral palsy, neuromuscular diseases, congenital torticollis, etcetera; in rheumatological or respiratory processes; in orthopedic and trauma anomalies, such as scoliosis and foot malformations, among others.

Under these circumstances, specialists seek to restore the functions that are affected by these conditions, while helping the child with the development of motor skills, through neuromotor and psychomotor stimulation. Treatment techniques are generally used to correct posture, respiratory physical therapy, and more.

It is not easy for parents to know that the baby needs this help for normal growth, but the important thing is that the results obtained are positive in most patients, who hope to continue with better quality of life.

Child physiotherapy: when should I go?

Generally, the pediatrician is the one who takes the initiative to recommend that the child attend a physical therapist. However, it must be clarified that individual treatments in babies under five years of age are applied when there is fetal distress or some risk of early development, such as premature babies.

Similarly, it is essential in situations in which there is evidence of a possible delay in obtaining the child’s abilities that are typical of the age or function in some of the systems.

But under normal circumstances, healthy babies can also benefit from these exercises, to strengthen their muscles, improve breathing, avoid poor posture and have good elasticity.

Physical therapy plays a great role in preventing certain problems at an early age. For example, it reduces the appearance of infant colic or sleep disorders.

How do you know if the baby needs help?

If the pediatrician has not told you anything about it and you want to rule out any possibility, do not hesitate to visit a good child physiotherapist. As a specialist in the area, you must follow a prior evaluation protocol to verify:

  • The strength of the baby.
  • Coordination.
  • Global development.
  • Functional postures.
  • Spontaneous mobility.
  • Musculoskeletal conditions.

Depending on the medical criteria, he will apply a method according to the particular needs of the child. Sometimes these exercises are done with your collaboration so that you learn the techniques, carry them out at home and help them feel comfortable in each session.

The goals of physical therapy in childhood

The goals of this discipline are clear to the human being. Especially when it comes to children. We know that you may feel concerned about your child’s health, but don’t forget that these treatments are focused on:

  • Help them to be independent.
  • Promote their normal development.
  • Reduce miscellaneous annoyances.

Science makes all its tools available to help the little ones. Stay strong and accompany your baby who needs you so much right now.

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