The Motherhood That Heals Us, The Motherhood That Saves Us From Loneliness

The motherhood that heals us, the motherhood that saves us from loneliness

Motherhood supposes many women to be born again, it is like renewing themselves in strengths that they did not know they had, it is to heal wounds of the past to find breath in the present through that fragile but at the same time perfect being, that alleviates loneliness, that it pushes us to be better, more courageous every day.

There is a fact that is not always talked about. There are many women who get pregnant without expecting or wanting it, without it entering the agenda of their lives or simply, because they are going through the most inopportune moment and the most complicated time. They are those moments in which one cannot even with his own body and his own soul, because the existence, sometimes is not easy at all.

They can be economic problems, emotional problems or simply, the full belief that one is not made for what is called “motherhood”. And yet the magic happens suddenly. Without knowing how or why they say “yes” to that pregnancy, and “yes” to the pain of childbirth. Because suffering no longer matters, and because  when that new life comes into contact with your skin, everything changes  and a real personal and emotional revolution takes place.

Babies heal their mothers too, and they do so in many wonderful and diverse ways. We explain them to you.

Motherhood is like reflecting in a mirror


All of us are like a map full of personal stories, wounds, scars and precious corners that we peek into from time to time. However, the vital moment in which we become more aware of everything we have experienced is when we are mothers for the first time.

  • Being a mother means rethinking how our childhood was and what emotional inheritance we received from our own mother. 
  • If today there are possible wounds from that past, we are obliged to heal them to give the best to our children.
  • On the other hand, if what we received was beautiful, full and satisfying, we will transmit that same emotional legacy to our children.

    Being a mother is like looking in a mirror to notice our shortcomings and overcome them. It is being brave even though we have spent half our lives being afraid.

    All your black holes are suddenly cleared by the light of a glance


    Only you know all the black holes you have faced. Only you have evidence of your personal battles, of those private spaces where you hide yesterday’s sorrows, losses that will not return and disappointments that left their mark. However, with the birth of your baby, all those tin monsters have ceased to exist.

    It is more than a “clean slate”. It is being able to take on the woman you were yesterday to celebrate the mother you are today, and that change binds you even more with life and with that child who depends so much on you.

    Discover what unconditional love is

    And suddenly you do, you discover the love of your life, the one who is above all things, who is unconditional, who does not know about time, space and to whom you would dedicate a thousand lives if you had them. Because few feelings are as overwhelming and deep as the one a mother feels for her child.

    That is why the birth of a child heals the possible wounds of a mother, and that is also why in a childbirth, two people are born : one does it for the first time and the other is reborn with a new, stronger skin and with a much bigger heart.

    Motherhood does not take things from you, it gives them freely and you accept them with pride


    Nowadays, there is no shortage of mothers who complain about how their children have changed their lives, that motherhood is not what they expected, that they do not have time, or privacy, and even less personal spaces.

    • Every day we read articles, books and personal blogs of many famous people to almost come to the conclusion that having children takes away more than it offers you.
    • Is this true? Of course not. Not at least for 90% of women. Not for those who have been healed inside by the birth of their children to discover how much being mothers offers them, how much it has made them grow and at the same time learn.

    Few links bring us closer to self-knowledge than motherhood itself. In fact, something that you have undoubtedly realized is that in the adventure of raising a child no day is the same. Can there be anything more wonderful than growing up with them? What to face new challenges from the hand of that child who only wants to eat the world from your side?

    You are a brave new woman, someone who has looked your fears face to face to bring them down. Someone who looks forward to the future and who already has an exceptional personal story. Keep building your path creating the best legacy for your child.

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