The Present, A Moving Short Film

The Present, a moving short film

The Present  (The gift, in Spanish) is an animated short film that tells the story of a boy who plays video games. Sounds very simple, right? But in reality, it includes much more than what it appears telling a small daily reality.

This short film is difficult to forget, the kind that settle in the heart and never let go again. The short film is an audiovisual delight capable of changing our attitudes and above all, of inviting young and old to make an important reflection on the issue of disability.

The short films are stories of little more than 3-7 minutes that mainly have as objectives:

  • Reach all audiences.
  • Embracing our most sensitive fiber, touching our hearts, stirring our emotions and with it, leaving us valuable learning.

    Since their objectives are very precise and the stories develop from start to finish perfectly, the short films manage to meet their objectives with the audience. Today, both Pixar and Disney, among other audiovisual entertainment companies, have chosen to stream short films before their movies.

    Through the short films, the aim is to promote a specific issue as a capsule. In turn, short films have been widely promoted in the big screen industry due to the success they have achieved. Many times the public goes to the cinema and is happy to see that a short film is placed before the film.

    Certainly, the reactions generated by short films are almost entirely positive. This says a lot!

    Recognized worldwide

    I presented him with a moving short

    The Present is a short film that already has more than 60 awards won and has appeared in more than 180 film festivals.

    Who was the creator? Well, nothing more and nothing less than a young German student. Jacob Frey, animation student at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Film Academy.

    It should also be said that since it was released in 2014 the number of viewers has only increased. It is now available on social media and has become so famous that it has been a hit in Internet searches.

    What is the plot of the short film?

    The argument of The Present could  not be simpler –as well as everyday for many families– but not for that reason, less creative or original.

    At first, we have a boy sunk on his couch with a frown. The only thing he does all day is playing video games, he doesn’t seem very happy, he doesn’t seem like his life is very entertaining. However, the good observer will perceive some more things.

    As the seconds progress, we will soon notice some small details: low curtains, little light and a certain apathy in our young protagonist. Then the boy’s mother enters the scene, bringing with her a gift in a cardboard box.

    It is a very special gift:  a puppy!

    I presented him with a moving short

    “The essential is invisible to the eyes”

    Something that we will discover when we see the puppy is that he suffers from a handicap. One leg is missing. The child realizes this detail at the moment. At first he reacts with surprise and some discomfort. Decide not to pay attention, choose to ignore the puppy.

    However, the little puppy instantly dazzles us with his character, his positive attitude.  No matter his disability, for the dog, that missing leg does not pose any obstacle to run, to play ball, to challenge life itself.

    Throughout the short film, we will see him fall and get up normally. That desire to improve, that overflowing vitality and that positivism is what will end up taking the child out of his isolation, out of his comfort zone.

    We will learn, for example, how at a given moment, all of us may be capable of assuming contradictory situations, of accepting what happens to us and putting in place a resilient attitude.

    Beyond appearance, beyond our shape, our size, our nature or physical appearance, are the essences.

    Thus, beyond that friendly face and that small body where a little leg is missing, there is a true hero who struggles to improve himself every day and who now wishes above all else to win the heart of a child.

    From our space we invite you to watch the short film with your children and above all, to see the end of it. This is where the best detail is hidden from us, the one that will undoubtedly draw a few tears and more than one good reflection.

    Click here and see The Present for yourself!

    Other short films

    Previously we have told you about a short film with which to enjoy and share. We talked to you once about Mother, that short film about the challenges of motherhood so creative and well presented.

    Also, do you remember when we invited you to discover the Moon? In the latter, we talked about the need to allow our little ones to take the lead in their lives.

    Surely, from now on, you will wait for the short films with the same expectation as us.

    This wonderful short will teach us the importance of letting children have initiative

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