Tips For Choosing Your Child’s Name

One of the important issues, with the arrival of a baby, is the choice of the right name. Consensus between parents is necessary, but other factors must also be taken into account.
Tips for choosing your child's name

Choosing a baby’s name is one of the most important decisions new parents will face. Names are an essential part of identity. We will tell you more about it below.

Certainly the arrival of a child into the world brings with it all kinds of changes in a family. It is necessary to prepare spaces, reformulate times, agendas and priorities. It involves being conscientious about health (in every aspect) and also involves making certain crucial decisions, such as choosing the name of that new person who will come into the world.

How to choose your child’s name

There are many considerations to take into account. There are cultural aspects that considerably influence (religion, country, etc.) the family tradition that also intervene. All these factors should always consider the well-being of the new baby.

Tips for choosing your baby's name.

1. It must be a decision of the couple

The name chosen – whatever it is – must be the product of the parents’ agreement. In fact, it may be the first agreement of many others that parents will have to reach. It is a good time to put aside the rush or the whims and look at the options that can please both of you.

If one of the two does not like the chosen name, it is better to let it pass. There are endless options, and some of them will help you reach an agreement. To satisfy both parents there is the option of the middle name.

2. It takes time to choose the name

You should spend as much time as necessary. As the pregnancy progresses, parents may feel pressured to choose. The best thing in these cases is to not pay attention to the environment and  know how to take the time necessary to choose the name of a child.

3. Be well informed before choosing the name

Be well informed on the subject, as some names can have  powerful cultural references. A name that parents like could be from a literary figure, a famous politician, or some relevant historical figure.

Of course, there are also online sources for guidance. However, when comparing two or more portals, the information can become contradictory.

4. Avoid stiffness

Taking a rigid stance when choosing a name is not recommended. “It has to be the name of the grandfather because yes, period” really is not a solid argument, much less favorable, not for other people or for the baby.

If both parents do not agree on a name, it is necessary to seek the solution together, in a constructive way,  until a consensus is reached. It is advisable to see all the names as options and not as final sentences.

Tips for choosing your baby's name.

5. Watch out for initials!

Sometimes the coincidences of life cause a name or two to be chosen that can cause problems. The initials of a person’s name will always be necessary at some point and a bad combination can lead to problems.

For this reason, it is recommended that parents be careful with the names they choose when combining them with the surnames. It is necessary to avoid that the initials, together, form some word that can call to the mockery.

6. Timeless names

Sometimes names are chosen for some trend of the moment. Over time they  can turn out to be empty, meaningless and original, which can be detrimental to the development of the person. It may be the case that you reject your name because you simply don’t like it or it sounds bad to you.

There are classic and timeless names that do not lose charm or harm the person throughout their growth. This is the case of: Ricardo, Pedro, Ximena, Andrea, Beatriz, Daniel. There are others that may be more temporary, such as the example of Madonna Shakira, and other bombastic combinations. Cartoons are also trendsetters that are best analyzed in depth before deciding to call your child an animated character.

A simple name

Emotion often plays tricks when it comes to choosing names. Statistics show that 6% of parents regret their chosen names. In some cases, it is because of having chosen common names. However, there are cases where regret comes for having chosen names that are difficult to pronounce. It is recommended to opt for names that are not very complicated and easy to pronounce.

A tribute

Sometimes affection leads to wanting to put a name that serves as a tribute to another loved one. That will depend a lot on the particular stories of each family and, depending on the arguments and circumstances, this will be more or less valid. Choosing your child’s name is a big responsibility, so you have to take time and come to a good agreement. Do not forget: there is no reason to rush.

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