We Learn At Home: An Educational Initiative For Children

A different way for the little ones to continue learning from home through television.
We learn at home: an educational initiative for children

The quarantine that we are experiencing due to the coronavirus pandemic has paralyzed the lives of both adults and children. The vast majority of the elderly have had their work tasks suspended and, in the case of children, schools have closed their doors until this whole situation is resolved.

It is still uncertain whether classes can be resumed or not. However, it is already a fact that the school year in which we find ourselves will be one of the most remembered in history for having to suspend classes four months before its end.

Therefore, quickly, from the Government itself, it was decided that, in addition to the duties and forms of learning set by the teachers of each school, there would be a different way of learning.

In this way, “We learn at home” was born, an initiative about which we tell you all the details so that your children can continue learning, exercising and, above all, forgetting the whole situation that is created around them.

Parents with their children watching the educational content of the We Learn at Home initiative.

What is the “We learn at home” initiative?

As we have already said previously, it is an initiative created by the Ministry of Education and Professional Training in collaboration with RTVE. From Monday, March 23, and until this situation is solved and the students can return to the classrooms, every morning there will be content dedicated to learning.

To do this, RTVE divides the contents into two of its channels, depending on the ages to which said contents are directed:

  • Clan TV.
  • The 2 of TVE.

Ages and subjects taught in “We learn at home”

The Ministry’s initiative is aimed at children between the ages of 6 and 16, with the aim of covering as many schoolchildren as possible. The subjects offered are each distributed on one day of the week, and are structured as follows:

  • Monday: Math.
  • Tuesday: Social Sciences.
  • Wednesday: Artistic Education and Physical Education.
  • Thursday: Language and Languages.
  • Friday: Natural Sciences.

Mathematics will be the protagonists on Mondays throughout the morning on both channels. The schedules will depend on the age of the children, and are also structured as follows:

  • For children 6 to 8 years old: 9 to 10 hours on Clan TV.
  • Children between 8 and 10 years old: 10 to 11 on Clan TV.
  • Children ages 10-12: 11-12 on Clan TV.
  • Young people from 12 to 14 years old: from 12 to 13 on TVE 2.
  • Finally, from 14 to 16 years old: from 13 to 14 on TVE 2.
    Mother and son watching the contents of the initiative We learn at home.

    Objective of this space aimed at everyone

    Given the situation that we have had to live, distance education has become the current form of learning. Totally linked to this, new technologies appear, since without them this education could not be possible.

    However, what many groups highlight is that not all children have access to these new technologies at home, so education, on this occasion, is not egalitarian.

    For this reason, they wanted to create this series of digital content and show it on one of the public television channels so that, especially families with fewer resources, they also have the possibility that their children continue learning.

    Another of the main drawbacks of this distance education through new technologies are connection difficulties. Not all spaces have a good internet network and, therefore, children will also have difficulties following the classes.

    In short, what is intended with the initiative “We learn at home” is an accessible education for all children without any difference. A great complement to the tasks agreed with the school teachers and  a great way for the minds of the little ones to continue exercising day by day.

    In addition, the way to show these contents to children in a totally playful way will help them to consolidate their knowledge much faster and easily.

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