What Are The Benefits Of My Child Learning To Crawl?

What are the benefits of my child learning to crawl?

When we begin to see that our baby gains independence and confidence, that he has strength in his movements and seems to want to throw himself to the ground, we hope that at any moment he will learn to crawl. However, some parents have to wait longer than necessary because their little one does not seem to want to crawl.

Crawling is an essential part of a baby’s motor development, very necessary for him to acquire the confidence and strength necessary to learn to walk. Despite this, there is no standard date for the baby to learn to crawl. In other words, all children are different and learn at their own pace.

There are several reasons why there are babies who do not crawl. The stage to start crawling is between 7 and 9 months of life of the baby. However, not all babies necessarily go through the crawling stage. Some children may not crawl until after they have learned to walk.

In this sense, do not worry if your baby is not crawling yet. However, it is necessary to observe under what conditions this fact has occurred. For example, if in addition to not crawling, you seem to have other problems with your legs or motor coordination in general, it will be recommended that you visit the pediatrician.

Importance of the stimulus for him to learn to crawl

As we have said, unless there is a health problem, it is normal that some babies do not crawl at the expected time. Specialists point out that parental stimulation has a noticeable influence on the baby’s crawling during this stage.

Teaching our child to crawl will help him later to learn to walk

By the time most children turn six months old they already show signs of independence. They become more restless, stand up, jump, and appear to be more active. It is at this stage that crawling occurs because your motor system begins to be ready to move.

Babies crawl because they want to move but do not know how to walk. It arises from their own need to want to move to a place that is interesting to them.

However, a baby who is not stimulated to crawl may never crawl. Although little ones crawl of their own accord most of the time, some may need help. In order for the child to crawl, he mainly needs to feel secure on a firm surface.

In this sense, crawling is their first option to move without the help of adults. But  adults in their care do not always give them the opportunity to try to move around as they please. That is, the lack of stimulus and optimal conditions to practice can prevent the baby from learning to crawl. On other occasions, parents encourage children to walk without going through crawling, offering their hands and helping them to take small steps at first.

Crawl before walking

Although it is common for some babies to walk without ever crawling,  crawling offers multiple benefits.

The position to move around by crawling gives you more speed, as well as confidence and determination. Similarly, crawling is part of the human evolutionary process because it requires the activation of both of its cerebral hemispheres. When the baby crawls he learns to coordinate his movements from one side of his brain to the other. Other benefits of this process are the following:

  • Promotes elasticity in hands and ankles.
  • Stimulates the sense of touch.
The sense of touch promotes the sensory development of the baby
  • It promotes the change of level, which is useful to found the balance.
  • Causes the strengthening of the digestive system.
  • It benefits the visual field.
  • Generates strength in the musculoskeletal structure of the spine.
  • Strengthens the motor system necessary when learning to walk.
  • Stimulates the resistance of the s cardiovascular ystem.

All babies are different and learn at their own pace, so you shouldn’t worry if the crawling stage is delayed.

In any case, if you notice that it is missing, we invite you to stimulate it. Direct him to a toy, have him follow you, and place him in a crawling position. You can also make him imitate you by teaching him how to crawl yourself. Let it move to the place it wants, as long as it is safe and guarded. Do not worry too much, if your baby is healthy he will learn and develop in his own way, you just have to provide him with the tools he needs.

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